Sunday, November 20, 2022

What's next...?

As I hang up my badge as CS MA... I start thinking and exploring What's Next in my ministry path.  One of which is to join the CS Worship Team as a drummer.  Me... with zero music background.  With some rhythm guitar experience. And years and years of listening to rock music.

Saturday... I joined Joyce and the worship team in their practice.  I sat next to 大佬 Keno as he slayed every fill... every frill... and I was... without a doubt, thrilled... to be in their presence. 

I interrupted their practice and 客串'ed for a bit.  But I wasn't ready. I hadn't touched the drums for months.  My skills were no where near their level. And the percussion... as weird as it sounds.. is the foundation of the whole worship set.  The drums set the rhythm.  As I'm trying to follow the piano's beat... the pianist is following my beat...or my off beat! I desperately needed the vocalists to lead me... and the vocals followed the piano who followed the drums. 

I was a fish out of the water.  At the end of practice... everyone stayed late to rehearse with me.  I knew nothing and can do nothing.  But there were no corrections or admonishments.  Only encouragement.  I'm now so encouraged... I needa practice at least 30 minutes each day to keep up!! I will do that!! That's what's next....!

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