Monday, November 21, 2022

Team Bonding

Credit to Mama Bell for showing me there's life beyond the court... we had our very own Jr. High Basketball Team Bonding event.  We originally thought of going to a Stanford Hoops game, but as luck, would have it...the timing didn't work.  Ended up having pizza, Capri Sun, chips, popsicles... and a TKA Varsity Game.

There's such a diversion between the two teams. Team A was totally into the game.  They were studying and learning.  Team B goof'ed around.  One of the players cheered for the opposing team just cuz he could. 

But amazingly... the happiest people of the night were the parents.  Sixth grade parents truly want their kids to hang out with healthy friend groups.  I got so many accolades from the parents it was embarrassing.  

Coach Noah did his job as a pastor.  He told a story... preached a sermon... on following Christ.  I followed it on being a teammate... and the importance of team work and chemistry.  Picking up a fallen brother. We limped to the finish line. And at the end of the night... we had 3 leftover pizzas that the kids didn't finish, but found a ride home.  

SW had a great time.  It was amazing seeing him in his element.  I played my part of being the cool, fun parent.  I let them goof around to a point where a parent tried to step in - fruitless.  Then I gave them a quick stare and 3 words - they stopped.  

A coach... is such a life changing role in a young man's life.  I'm so grateful to be playing this role.  May these boys grow up to be men above boys and be leaders in their own rights. Go Knights!!

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