Wednesday, November 02, 2022


First game of the season... and I was late cuz I left SCF late.  When I got there.. Coach Noah was teaching them another offensive play and SW wasn't in that 5.  It was obvious... he wasn't gonna be the starting 5.  I knew he would be disappointed.  What didn't help... our team got outrebounded by the taller and bigger Menlo team.  Credit to them for doing what they oughta do. But in terms of talent... we were neck in neck with them.  We ended up falling short by 5.  But Coach Noah did a great job of rotating every body in.  Everyone had some play time.  Everyone experienced the adrenaline of being in a game. "I'm nervous coach." "I'm scared coach." 

Channel it young man.  Channel that energy.  We will prevail.  And SW... keep clawing.  Yes..  your size is a disadvantage.  But your skills and your heart will win you over.  Don't let up.  Keep flying.  Keep soaring.  Your day will come. 

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