Sunday, November 27, 2022

City Slickers

I've blogged on City Slickers twice since 2005. My favorite movie... a suburban western about 3 friends going through a mid-life crisis.  I've rewatched this countless times throughout the years.  

In the beginning... it was my favorite movie because of the adventure.
Then it was the friendships.
Then it was turning 39. 
So many reasons to love this movie.

I rewatched it with the kids today... and I like reading the bible over and over again... you gain new perspective.

The moment where they share "best day" and "worst day."  The writers may have done this surreptiously... or it may have been on purpose...

But Billy Crystal talks about seeing Yankee Stadium live.. in person... for the first time... with this dad.
Daniel Stern.. talks about his wedding day... and he gets a *wink* from his dad.
Bruno Kirby.. shares how he stood up and chased away the cheater.. his dad.
Then... the dentist who volunteers to take Cookie to town... and the son protesting.  The dad says, "Ride with me son.  It'll still be fun."

This isn't just a movie about friendship... about finding the meaning of life... about driving cattle from New Mexico to Colorado.  It's about the unbounding relationship between a son and a dad.

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