Saturday, November 19, 2022

Tale as old as time

Beauty and the Beast... easily my favorite Disney animated feature ever.  

As a kid.. I only saw bits and pieces of the original Disney classics - such as Fantasia, Cinderella, Snow White, Peter Pan, etc...  Disney was different back then. They sold VHS tapes for a limited time.  Unless your family bought them (which we didn't) or you watch it on channel 7 on Sunday evenings, you'd only know the lore, which made it even more magical.

I did catch the Disney Animated Renaissance... which started with Aladdin, which made way for Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Mulan, Hercules, Tarzan.  This was during my high school and college years when I had money to go out.  I caught every one of these movies.  To cap off the Renaissance was when B&B was famously nominated for Best Picture at the Academy Awards.  

In the early 2000's... Jeff, Nita, Pam and I went to watch the Broadway show for Pam's bday... after having dinner at Market Grill.  I didn't know much about theater back then... only that it was a rich man's world.  And I was completely mesmerized.  First of all... I loved the song.  Secondly.. the costume and choreography was astounding. If there was ever a "first musical", it would have to be Disney. 

Nearly 20 years later... we get to watch another Disney's Beauty and the Beast musical.  This time... life has made a number of changes.  I'm not married with children.  I'm older, wiser and much more cynical.  I see life through different lenses.  

B&B now... to me... is a story about a heroine, a book addict, an engineer.  Just like NN... just like Joyce.  The "princess" isn't your damsel in distress like Snow White or Sleeping Beauty.  She's independent and a fighter.  Someone that's different, stands out, and isn't afraid of it.

B&B... is a father/daughter story.  Of how a father connects with her daughter.  A daughter understands her father.  And the two of the fighting and clinging to survive.  

B&B... is a story about second chances (or there lack of). The enchantress was extremely unforgiving after The Prince turned her away.  The last rose petal fell... as a matter of fact... before someone loved the beast.

B&B... is a story of loyalty.  Regardless of how mean and angry the beast was... the servants stuck by him.  Why?? He was a spoiled prince.  I guess... that's how the story was written.

B&B... is a fairy tale where the protagonist and heroes are always "handsome and good-looking," I actually scoffed last night when The Beast turned into a handsome, young man as opposed to the actual actor unmasking himself.  Here... I think Shrek did a much finer job at explaining acceptance and true beauty. 

B&B.... it's a story of unbelonging.  It's a story of standing out.  It's a story of hiding.  It's a story of going after what you want.  It's a story of finding companionship in a world of loneliness.  B&B... is a story... that's as old as time. 

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