Monday, December 26, 2022

Evolution of Card Games

It started with Uno in the 80's.... then things went dormant except for your collector cards like Magic the Gathering and Pokemon.  I think it was in the early 2000's when Monopoly Go revolutionized and resurrected the card game industry and since then it's been a booming steady source of Christmas Gifts.  Gotta hand it to them.. .they do a great job packaging and marketing the game.

Like the game "Dos", the second coming of "Uno".  Great packaging but it was a dud.
We then bought games like Sushi Go, Ramen Fury, A Little Wordy.  
This Christmas... I was gifted with Exploding Kittens "Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza" which is simply Slap Jack with a bit of a twist. 

The one common theme.... all these games last for about 20 minutes before it really needs to become a drinking game. 

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