Monday, December 12, 2022


There is a certain lore of being undefeated.  There is an equal amount of unicornism or bigfootity for the exact opposite.  Winless.  That's what I became today.  In 2022... I was winless as a basketball coach.

0-6 for Jr. High Girls.

0-6 for Jr. High Boys.

I'm a bit downtrodden... but I am truly playing with house money.  To coach my son... to see him in his natural environment with his friends... to become a "cool, fun dad (with a bit of a temper)" is priceless.  What capped it off... was at the end of our final game... after the final speeches... as everyone was headed home, one of the mom's came up to be and handed me a thank you card.  It was 'one of those moments.'  

Never expected... but always appreciated.  Hopefully... we made an indelible mark in these youngster's lives. 

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