Thursday, December 01, 2022

Hank Talk

After several rounds of rejections.. I said, "Screw it... I'm gonna do my own thing." And I held our first annual Bay Area Prod Ops Quality Symposium.  It came together last minute... but it was soooo well received. 

Tony/Anson did their job in going over Lessons Learned.
Winston/Tim knocked a homerun with their Quality Pong and Quality Jeopardy / Family Feud.
Then came time for me to give my talk about "Personal Branding."  I first came across this around 2018... and I took it and modified it for Eden Fellowship.  I then took the Eden Fellowship version and re-modified it for a professional environment.

Man... was I not prepared.  But in the end... it was so well received.  I ripped myself opened and shared my vulnerabilities.  I even forgot (by God's grace) to take out a biblical reference.  And when I saw it.. I went with the flow. Got so many accolades for my "Ted Talk." One person said, "Your Ted Talk spoke directly to my soul."  Another person who is rather soft spoken sent me a 6 paragraph email about what he's going through. 

What originally was a means to share some Lessons Learned became an agent of bonding and reflection.  I am proud to say... that today... I was the salt and light at work. 

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