Wednesday, December 14, 2022


 "The 2022 Most Valuable Player for Jr High Basketball Team 6B goes to...."

Freeze time....

Flash back to October 20th... after Basketball Tryouts and Coach Jacob separated the boys to Team A and Team B.  SW did not make Team A.  And he and I sat on a bench outside of school.  He was clearly unhappy and I forced him to open up.  "SW... are you sad you didn't make Team A?"  "Yeah..."  And to pour salt on his wound... a bunch of friends that made Team A were hootin and hollerin right in front of us.  It was a heart breaking moment for me.

Unfreeze time... 

Flash forward to today at the Team Celebration... "goes to.... Joshua!!!"  And there it was.  Big fish, little pond. SW is named Most Valuable Player. 

It came down to SW and Alex.  Legitimately... the two of them carried the team. The point guard...and the shooting guard.  Trying to be unbiased... Alex shoulda won Most Skilled Player. He has better handles. He had a softer shot.  But SW was truly the Most Valuable Player.  Maybe not the best player... but he can fit into multiple positions.  He was a silent leader.  During scrimmages... his teammates would shout out, "Watch out for SW!!".  During knock-out... he had a target on this back.  Some credit goes to his dad... for taking him out to the courts during the summer and on weekends to sharpen his skills.

In reality... the players votes came down to a tie.  The Athletic Director asked what I wanted to do.  And due to a conflict of interest... I told her, "Let Coach Noah decide."  And he did.  We could've had co-MVP's... but in the end... Coach Noah picked the more deserving player. 

Onto our next disappointment... which will lead to the next triumph. 

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