Wednesday, December 28, 2022


Had a nice long talk with NN tonight.  "I don't like going to church."  

This was inevitable.  We saw it coming.  And if we don't do something about it... SW will have the same talk with me.  NN and SW, simply do not have friends at church.  They don't have a community.  They don't have body life.  

In a way.. it's self serving.  We never stay after church to chat or hang out.  During COVID, we pretty much stayed at home the entire time (and then some). And we give the kids every excuse to miss Youth.

In some ways... it's digging our own graves.  We do not belong in CS.  We don't really have friends. Our friends are kinda forced.  In reality... we don't hang out.  I might have 1-2 "texting" friends that I enjoy exchanging mindless batter with.  Friends...?? My friends are Nita and Jeff.  Even Anderson is a wild card these days... who knows what his agenda is anymore. 

Church can be lonely.  I don't care how many sermons or sharings there are that church isn't a social club.  It darn well is a social club.  If you truly go there for just choir practice and bible study... then you're kidding yourself.  I've gotten a lot of heat over the years for saying and sticking to this truth... only to be met by the sanctimonious faction that church is "all-accepting" and "class-less."

The sooner you embrace reality, the sooner you can move forward.

I don't fault NN for saying "I don't like going to church."  

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