Friday, December 23, 2022


Never thought it'll happen.. but our family finally hit the slopes.  I last went in he mid 2000's before getting married.  Since then... the economics have driven me away... and when I tried to make it back, there was every reason not to go.  

The Tat's made a fine recommendation, site wise and economics wise where it was fairly attractive but within dollar reasons.  The Leung's finally kept up with the Jone's and we took our kids to Tahoe; really, Reno, but Tahoe sounds sexier. 

First day... the place was packed!! The lines were so long and the equipment rental rooms has the heat turned way up... and it was filled with so many people, SW got nauseous from altitude sickness.  Not since his allergic reaction to nut where we hit the emergency room did I feel so helpless and cranked up my fatherly skills.  (Don't worry.  Everything will be fine.  Keep him calm.  Stay calm yourself.  Look for help). I ripped his jacket off... took him outside for some fresh air... and he slowly recovered.  Meanwhile.. NN, the teenager, was on her own with the equipment guys.  She didn't need an overbearing parent. 

After about an hour of getting set up... they were finally able to join their lesson, which was also packed.  And here's where I could no longer join them, as they were fenced off.  Lessons aren't fun, but they're needed.  How to get in and out of your skis.  How to get up from a fall.  How to turn around.  How to stay safe.  The lessons lasted two hours... and they were exhausted.  From afar... in the cold... we were watching as they fell.  Tried to get up.  Just to fall again.  Heh... then came time for lunch and they were done.  Spent. No mas.  Once again...the altitude was getting to them.  Along with the fact... skiing is a tough sport!!!  

During lunch... which SW barely had an appetite... they just wanted to sit down and watch Youtube/Netflix.  I'm looking at my watch... "Dude!!! I paid $160 for each person!! Get your butts out there!!"  I held my tongue for as long as I can and I finally slipped.  The kids obliged begrudgingly.  

SW was skeptical...cuz he was sick.  NN was determined.. cuz that's how she's wired.  They went back to the bunny slopes just to get their bearings straight.  And off the chute... SW lost control and bowling- balled into a bunch of kids.  NN did a little better... she veered left and made a gymnastic landing into the fences where her she got stuck and needed help untangling herself.  Joyce thought they were gonna be done when they removed their gear and walked back towards the lodge.  Turns out... they were done with the bunny slopes and wanted to hit the mountains.

It was only uphill from there, figuratively. They lined up for the Green Circle and it was no turning back.  Without any instructions... they approached their first lift.  And of course... they didn't know what to do and caused a stoppage.  Heh... after that, they were off.  I have no idea where they were going... as they ascended to the heavens. Just nervously paced at the bottom of the hill hoping and praying that they arrive safely... and not on the back of a snowmobile.  The next 10 minutes... I spent staring at a million people wearing black jackets and pants.  (Mental note, wear orange or yellow next time!) 

Out of nowhere, NN slid down one trail and SW glided another.  Both in one piece.  Barely any damages.  They admitted, one of them wiped out.  But that was it.  They were in love and kept going and going.  Lessons were tough... but skiing was actually fun. We quickly retreated back to the warm confides of the lodge where we brought snacks and libations. is good.  Life would've been great... had I been able to join them.  I so wanted to... so so wanted to.  The fear of falling and not getting up outweighed my need for speed... or more so... the wife giving me a look of not ditching her outweighed that jonesing feeling.  Sigh... 

But alas... we can finally make claim... "We went to Tahoe." 

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