Sunday, December 31, 2023

Looking back on 2023

Last day of the calendar year... and it's poetically, "123123." Poetry doesn't always rhyme... like the word "2023." 2023 was the year of rabbit or was it the hare?  And hoppity-hop it went... bouncing away quicker than we can lay eyes on it to admire.  Giving way to the year of the dragon in 2024, that pretty much swallows up any hoopla (or hop-la) from a rodent. (I know... I know... the calendar doesn't line up that way). A year of international upheaval, an on-going war followed by a brand new, deadly war.  And sadly, that same familiar war plagued our own soils via another year of gun violence.  Congress was not exempt from its own Civil War... when the GOP was as divided as "Tastes Great" battled "Less Filling"... resulting in the birth of a new, third heir to the presidential throne 9 months after the original third heir.  In the midst of civil upheaval, the Capital was busy avoiding shutdown, while waging its own war on epic inflation due to COVID, rising interest rates preventing the Millennials from buying a house, and diving unemployment numbers as the Biden Administration desperately try to salvage a 2024 run at the White House.  Unemployed, the Dodgers are not, as their front office land the once in a lifetime talent and shrewdly defers his $700M to after his contract his done... while reaping the benefits of countless more Free Agents.  The rest of the sports world look on with envy... as did the Niners when Mr. Irrelevant's UCL was torn in the NFC Championship game on their way to a devasting defeat (only to provide new hope in this coming season). Unimpedingly, any indictment, mugshot, or rape charges against one man has only highlighted the state of America's morals and how we view our king.  Across the pond, the world viewed the crowning of it's own King (and Queen consort) - she's never gonna be fully accepted.   Neither is the world going to ever fully accept the realities (IMHO) of Global Warming, as man makes another futile attempt to tame nature, only to be spanked by the Maui Fires, Hurricane Hilary and a.... heavenly Spy Balloon?????  

On a personal note... Joyce and I have our health and jobs.  The kids are flourishing in all capacities.  Our parents continue to age.  Another chapter ends... while another chapter must begin.  Following last year's top 10... I have to break out top 5's for NN and SW, otherwise, my top 10 will be pre-occupied with all of their moments. 

  1. Elected class officer
  2. Being accepted into AP Chinese
  3. Making her Jr. High Basketball A-Team - winning PHD
  4. Making it onto her Club Volleyball Team - Tropical Touch
  5. East Coast Trip - First "official" date at the Boat Dance
  1. Jr. High Basketball - MVP
  2. Making onto Club Volleyball Team - Titan
  3. Being rotated back in for the 3rd and final set and winning the game against Stafford
  4. Science Camp
  5. Crying at Sunday Morning Breakfast
Without further ado.... my top 10 of 2023.
  1. RIP Ricketts and Mr. G - Death hit extremely close to home this year... one unexpected... and one, well, was close to home. Amazingly.. both Celebrations of Life were filled with laughter, joy, and fond memories.  Tears will pass.. but the stories will live on.  
  2. Year long injury - One unexpected pull up and a day of volunteering at Second Harvest.  I've never dealt with a lingering muscle pain as long as I did this year.  So much pain in the simplest things I do.  Was thinking rest would make it "go away."  Eventually, I came to realize, the only way to get well, is to work out.  
  3. Household gets COVID and Shaw-HANK 2023 - After returning from Seattle.. Joyce gets COVID.  Then SW gets it.  Then a few days of taking care of them... I finally succumb (again).  NN was amazingly spared.  And out of all this... I (along with half the known population) caught up on Suits!
  4. 1-17 - After 3 seasons of coaching Jr. High... I finally got my first victory... when an opposing team forfeited.  Woe is me.
  5. Busking - Never have I ever imagined I'll be jamming a guitar and belting Beyond to complete strangers!! HA!!
  6. ESL and Tutoring - Finally got reprieved from other ministries so I can take on this one... something I've always wanted to do but didn't have the bandwidth for.  There's something about immigrants and learning English that's so ingrained in my DNA... I wish I can do so much more. It ain't always easy... but man... it can be so rewarding. 
  7.  Dream (or nightmare) of slum-lording - After who knows how many months.. we finally rented our house out.  The city finally approved our permit.  We finally jacked up our house.  Then we had to deal with the cement contractor.  And the air conditioning contractor. And the flooding foundation. Then it was thoroughly and absolutely cleaning out the house.  Showcasing the house.  Drawing up the lease. Finding renters.  Getting everything finalized... and a week before we signed the lease... we discovered extensive water damage to the kitchen.  Property Management is not for the lighthearted.  But thankfully, by the grace of God, our renters are angels.  
  8. Mom's San Diego Trip -  Aside from her Pilgramages... she's never gone on a fun trip on her own...with her own friends.  I simply can't register her ever doing this.  And yet... here she was... sending pictures to us from Sea World and Balboa Park... and texting us that she's going to the Crystal Cathedral.  Drawing a weird parallel... this was an odd symmetry to NN's East Coast Trip last year where I was looking forward to getting texts from her... just so I can know what she's doing, where she's visiting, what she's eating.   Much deserved... and I hope she gets to do more of these while she's still active and able. 
  9. "I'm gonna go sit with my friends." - Something I'd expect NN or SW to say to us at any public event... but this came from the mouth of Joyce.  At one of SW's volleyball tournaments... she decided to ditch me and NN... and go with with the other moms on SW's team.  I can't even articulate how giddy I am that she found this group of women.... a Dutch, a Hungarian, a Japanese, a Vietnamese, and a East Coaster.  Simply wonderful.
  10. Drumming on Worship Team - Never have I ever... but here I am.  

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Joy Luck Club

On the heels of Chinese Groove... I polished off a popular ethnic-social-studies book that was very popular in the 90's.  A novel-turned-motion picture... this is also a book on Chinese immigration to San Francisco.  I remember when it came out... I was repulsed by how they portrayed 1st generation immigrants and their children... but many years later... I can see how Amy Tan does an amazing job capturing all the stereotypes and realities in 200 pages of story-telling.  Her choice of narration gets confusing and the time-skipping makes it hard to follow... but each personal story has proper pacing of less than 20 pages and while each individual story warrants a novella of their own... Amy Tan is masterful at interweaving all the movements into one symphonic construction.  There are some poetic play on words and evocative descriptions of 1940's China.  It's no wonder why this took the world by storm... and why so many have tried... and failed to mimic the success of our tragic author who in her own rights... bear the burden and pains of being a daughter of the ghost of the Joy Luck Club.  


Friday, December 29, 2023

Best Christmas Present

Every year, I look forward to receiving this gift.  Sure... I can buy my own American calendar.  But there's something about the cardboard top and the paper, as well as the Lunar Calendar, that makes this a non-negotiable piece of houseware at the Leung household.  I can't imagine the day when this will no longer be printed. 

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

The things you remember

NN is binging on House MD again.  She started during the summer, then stopped after Season 2.  While she's watching Season 3... I walk in and out and catch bits and pieces.  Then to my amazement.. I still remember how these episodes end.  To the very thing House says when he has his Eureka moment... to the closing musical/instrumental 30 seconds of what's being shown.  I must've watched this show 20-25 years ago.  How is it I still remember these trivial, non-sensical moments as if it happened last night? 

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Binge Reading

Haven't picked up a book (and finished said book) in a long time.  And not for lack of trying.  I've lost track of how many books I've bought or picked up from the library... where they all end up in the same place... "Saved for Another Day."  This time, I randomly picked up a book on a Chinese immigrant coming to San Francisco in the 2010's.  

I was especially enthralled by how Kathryn Ma articulates Chinese culture in American soil. How previous generations who immigrated here blend in to America and lose some (not all) of their roots. How she so vividly (though erroneously) describe the Sunset Saltbox Houses, the Buffalo Pen in Golden Gate Park, the lake, the Haight, CCSF, the most minute details.... and  yet... like watching a movie filmed in SF, you catch everything that's described incorrectly.

Most amazingly, I found myself fighting sleepiness at 3AM in the morning, trying to finish this story.  It wasn't a great book... but a good read. It certainly sparked my interest in reading my next novel... also about Chinese immigrants to San Francisco.  I swear... I did not intend on making that a theme for this holiday season. 


Thursday, December 21, 2023

Flat tire

Was about to head to lunch when Joyce said Tessy (the name of our Tesla) shows a deflated tire.  I get home... drive it to our nearest gas station to pump it up... then I inspect it carefully and there it was... a nail right in the center.  Which is good.. it's pluggable or patchable.

I drive Tessy to the same tire shop I've gone to the past few times.  When I showed up... they were patching up some woman's flat.  Then it was my turn.  And while I was waiting... three more cars showed up with flats.  This little tire shop on a hidden strip mall in Sunnyvale is NOT short on business.  $50 for 10 minutes worth of work... that's pretty darn good!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Word(s) of the Year

 For I think the third year in a row... I get to lead Prayer Meeting in December.  And for some reason, I like to bring up the "Word of the Year."  For 2023, the Merriam Webster word of the year is:

authentic adj 1)not false 2) true to one's own personality, spirit, or character

runner ups: rizz, deep fake, coronation

More interesting... I looked up China's word(s) of the year. And here's what I found from 汉语盘点2023.  I love the simple description of each word.  Haha... so well thought out.  So poetic. 

國內字 - 面对挑战时不失本心、遭遇风雨时行之不辍,进一寸有一寸的欢喜,就当得起一个“振”字。


國際字 - 在危机中育新机,以对话弥合分歧、以合作化解争端,才能为世界营造公道正义、共建共享的安全格局。


Sunday, December 17, 2023


Last tournament of the year... of the season... and the whole family went to Sacramento together.  SW's team has definitely improved.  And yet... oh so many holes and deficiencies.  We ended up winning 3 and losing 3 this weekend.  The most painful being the last game where we won 30-28, lost 27-25....and in the end, lost 15 - 12.  It shouldn't have been that close.  The other team had 7 players - 2 of which can't even get the serve over.  But they had two really outstanding players that made up for the difference.  Us... we have 1 outstanding player... a bunch of much improved... and a handful of what are you doing on the court.

I get it... this is an intro league.  We want the boys to get playing time.  We want everyone to have fun.  But y'know what... winning is fun.  When it comes down to the wire... and you want to win... you don't rotate your bad players in.  Those who can't pass. Those who can't serve.  Those who are slow as molasses.  We lost... 100%... because of bad coaching.

She didn't once change her game plan.  The one time she did... was when our three passers were overwhelmed and she dropped 1 more passer.  And even then... the team kept ace-ing us up.  Infuriating. 

The boys hurt.  They really wanted that one.  When we left the convention center... SW was on the verge of tears. He cares that much about winning... about volleyball.  Hardly does he get so worked up since he's always happy-go-lucky.  And when Joyce and I saw that... our hearts were shattered twice over.  

He quickly got over it.  I know this experience will forever be etched in his memories. But it'll gnaw at me for than it does him.  Glad he can move on... grow... and learn from this experience. As for me... I'm left mulling and marinating on what-if's, coulda's, woulda's, and shoulda's.... GWARSH I'M MAD!!! 

Friday, December 15, 2023


For the 2nd year in a row... Huda thunk... Actually, I really didn't expect this.  I can see what he does during games.  He's not Steph.  He's not Klay. He's not even Draymond.  How he won this... is beyond me.  But the fact is... he's M - V - P. 


Thursday, December 14, 2023

Did not get a rose

As suspected... my boss has been moved off to another job.  And the past few weeks, I've been thinking, will I get selected to be Acting in his position? I have the resume and the years. I don't have geographical impact... and honestly.. nor do I have organizational impact.  When the announcement came out... I did not get a rose.  Unexpected? No.  Disappointed.  Yes.  I need to do something different.  But what?

Monday, December 11, 2023


昔日, 郭靖往桃花島比武招親。他與歐陽峰和歐陽克比武之前,偶遇周伯通,學識了九陰真經. 學了之後, 武功的認識突飛猛進, 今非惜比。當七公跟歐陽峰打起上來, 郭靖旁觀不斷哎"好!". 旁人看出來可能是普通的招式, 但是一個真正的武者, 能看出每招每試的真正奧秘, 。

過去這大半年, 學了打鼓的入門秘訣,洞悉出小許打鼓的招式和心法。當我看到一個鼓手如何產生到真正的效應, 我只能夠讚嘆說"正!" 從前是一個迷惘的普通人。但現今已是一個實牙實齒的一個鼓手。

Sunday, December 10, 2023


I might turn this into a thesis or dissertation one day... but here are my thoughts after today's baptism.  

We had two brother and sister get baptized today... submerged by water.  We made it sound as if... today was their day of salvation.  And the sermon was geared towards them... as mentioned by PAL on multiple occasions... that they need to hear "justify by faith." 

To be a theologian... isn't someone saved, the moment they believe???  What does baptism have anything to do with salvation?? Baptism....and the ostentatious giving of testimony isn't biblical.  Do you really need to 1) believe 2) testify 3) get baptized?!?!?  I get confused sometimes... and yet... I don't.

(I promise...  I will follow up with references and quotes to support this argument)

But the fact of the matter is.... baptism has NOTHING to do with salvation.  Baptism.... like Jesus... is a public declaration of your submissiveness to God. Baptism is ONE (of many) public demonstrations of obedience and true belief.  Give your testimony.  Be submerged.  But after that... go serve in a soup kitchen.  Go sing Christmas Carols.  Go visit the sick and homeless.  Go share the gospel of Christ.  At Jesus's baptism, God the Father did not say, "This is my beloved Son, with whom is now saved."  

I really want to understand why people make such a big deal out of baptism (other than it being an onstage public showcase nowadays).  

Friday, December 08, 2023

The simplest gestures

Ever hear a sermon on how the tongue... the smallest of organs... is compared to the rudder of a ship.  It came full circle today when someone reached out for something... and mentioned he was talking to a co-worker who met me the first time last week.  And he said... that his co-worker said, "Hank is great!"

I met that co-worker for no more than 45 minutes.  In that 45 minutes, we spoke for about 5.  And it wasn't a deep, soul-binding conversation about our hopes, dreams, and political ties.  

Sometimes... those 5 minutes can win you a fan for life.  Or it can destroy you till thy kingdom comes.  

For me... it was the former.  

Thursday, December 07, 2023

Best Friend

What's a best friend?

Someone who shares your same interest? Someone who shares the same inside joke with you... that there's only two people that would laugh at someone unseemingly serious? Someone who... no matter what happens will say, "Yes" to whatever you request??

I don't have that best friend. 

In highschool... I had 4 of those best friends.

In college... I had two.

In career, life after college, I had a couple.

A few years ago... I thought I found someone else.  How wrong I was. 

Now that I'm in mid life... I have one.  Just one.  And that one... is my son. It's HIM-mothy. 

Wednesday, December 06, 2023


In church life... there's a person that we love.  That we adore.  That we revere.  Just like a mother... she's the one that'll love you unconditionally... and will understand you in the deepest, lowest points of your life.  In this past year... I had a chance to partner with our C-mo.  No... not Amy.  I had a chance to partner with Sandy.  She's one of a kind. A woman with unrelenting prowess.  A woman with vision and a thirst for execution.  A woman who demands perfection.  And unapologetically demands it from those around her. She doesn't hide from rebuke.  And is borderline cringey when it comes to discipline.  By happenstance or by the grace of God... I had a chance to partner with her.  And there has been just a few who can keep pace with my energy, demand for perfection, and meticulous planning of execution.... that I am awestruck and humbled to march alongside.  

I'll look back in 10, 15, 20 years and say... man... what did I do to deserve THAT?

Sadly... that partnership is coming to an end.  And to that I shall say, "Godspeed! Go earn that Doctorate!!"