Thursday, January 31, 2019

The Crux of the Matter

Few days ago... one of my bestest friends in the world sent me a text....
Ever feel like you are in a funk or just going through the motions of living? Not sure what is going on with me but I realize I am not really excited about anything
A completely valid question - especially around our age.  Where I sometimes find myself looking in the mirror and reflecting, "This is the best I'm ever gonna look, I'm ever gonna feel, I'm ever gonna do... and it ain't that great.?"  (City Slickers - Billy Crystal) Not trying to over-analyze or jump to providing solutions - I throw the idea that maybe it's menopause -- which she's too young for.  So maybe pre-nopause? Is there such a thing?  We go back and forth, on and on.... and then she launches with:
My question is why keep trying. Why keep living? It's not like I want to die but if I am unable to find happiness or joy then what is the reason for going on?
We attempt to explore those answers with her... from a completely and genuinely secular way.  I live for my children (an easy answer that's actually very dangerous).  I live so I can enjoy life (when does the fun stop?) I live so I can accomplish my next set of goals (Project 21 - which I have yet to publish).   At one point in our conversation, I made a jump into declaring my faith.... where I stated (and I state here again), I am a son of the living God, redeemed and saved by my personal Savior Jesus Christ and I am here to worship Him and bring glory to Him.  

The two biggest questions we [humans] have to answer are, "Who am I?" and "Why am I here?" For those who don't have answers... how can I help you????

Mood: puzzled and concerned

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