Monday, July 29, 2019

Hitting too close to home

There was an active shooting incident at the Gilroy Garlic Festival.  Seemingly a random guy.. going to a random festival... doing some dirty deeds.  It shatters my heart knowing that one of the victims is a 6 year old boy and his father can only utter the words, "Worst day of my life."  During moments of despair, sorry and confusion... I remember some words someone once told me.  "In the midst of a crisis or tragedy, look for the helpers." There will always be people stepping up and bringing a glimpse of hope.

I salute our first responders.  Thank you.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Gotta catch em all!!

Friday night... SW and I got kicked out of the house cuz NN had a sleep over.  So we ended up catching Pokemons.  We first went to a Raid...which we lost horribly cuz our Pokemons weren't powerful enough.  Then we went to fill up our bellies... then headed to a local park to start powering up.  By that time, it was sunset and time to head home.  Instead of going straight home... I ended up driving through downtown Campbell at a snail's pace... so SW can collect some Pokeballs and catch Pokemon's.  We had a blast.

Sunday night... we were heading home after a long day.  And now both NN and SW were sitting in the air conditioned car while I drove around hunting.  The best part is... we convinced Mommy to get into it too!!  Cuz we needed more Pokemons at our Raids.

So here I was... half asleep on a Sunday evening, driving through the suburbs of Silicon Valley, pulling into random parking lots of churches and coffee shops so they can find gyms, raids and look for badges and passes.  Make odd U-turns, pulling over by bus stops, circling over and over again just to get closer.  How mo-liu.... right??

5-10 years from now... we'll look back and say this was one our best quality family moment... this moment in time...

Friday, July 26, 2019

On the Go!! Pokemon Go!

Kids didn't have camp today... so I ended up getting both of them for a day.  The day started out slow... I logged in to polish off some lingering emails.  Gave the kids a break and let them get some iPad and Netflix time in.  Then we headed off to shoot some hoops.  One wanted to walk.  One wanted to bike.  One wanted to drive.  That was me... I lost.  We ended up biking to a local playground... while I followed along on a scooter with the basketball in a bag around my shoulder.  They're too fast now... I can't keep up.  It was fun getting there! It was fun shooting hoops.  It was fun watching them try to "Beat that Wall!!"  (SW still can't do it... shucks).  Then it was time to head home... and boy did they not like the trek. HA!!  Told ya we shoulda driven!!!

We get home... headed over to get some ramen... then I was out of ideas.  What to do now???  Lo and behold... SW sees that I downloaded Pokemon Go!  I installed a couple months ago when he started to get into Pokemon, but I've never played it myself.  Course, with one phone, they'll never learn to share.  Ended up spoiling them.. and installed it on my other phone.  So now... both kids are at the park... running around outside, getting some fresh air and sunlight, much needed Vitamin D, while looking down at a screen.

Me?? I didn't have a phone to play with... I ended up having to look around and observe/enjoy nature while singing to myself.  How absurd!!!  Sigh... to be without a phone.  HA!

Thursday, July 25, 2019

I am, another he

As if it was yesterday... I vividly remember that time when our family went on an outing many many years ago.  We ended the night looking for food (dinner).  Walking up a city block, we see a donut shop from afar.  That's all I wanted... a donut.  Something sweet.  Something unhealthy.  Something temporarily filling.  To my dismay and disappointment, my dad found a Chinese restaurant across the street.... and we had a traditional Chinese dinner.  My dad... the one who must eat Chinese in order for it to be considered a meal.

Fast forward 30+ years.... on my business trip.

Day 1 - I go to a Chinese restaurant and order 2 lobsters with white rice.
Day 2 - on my way out of Denver to Huntsville at the airport... I coulda had anything for dinner.. but I picked Orange Chicken with rice.
Day 4 - on my way home from New Orleans... I picked an Asian fast food place and ordered fried rice with orange chicken and broccoli beef.

In those moments in time... I only wanted Chinese food.  At those moments in time... I find that I am he.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Nomads R Us

This summer has been fun but challenging for the kids.  Week after week... we move them from camp to camp like nomads.  They enjoy camp.  They come home happy.  And they also come home with a lot of sh-tuff.  It's almost like these camps measure their own success by the amount of stuff the kids take home.  But alas... it's different every week. 

Monday it's chaotic.
Tuesday they get acclimated.
Wednesday they build a rhythm.
Thursday they make a friend (or 2).
Friday it's time to say good bye.

Breaks my heart to have to move the kids around like this.  Finally... we found some structure and consistency with this local church who ran a VBS, then back to back weeks of science camp.  3 weeks is a millennium for them.  And next week... it's back to Galileo.  Then it's outdoors camp. 

Sigh... it's great that the two play together, otherwise they'll be loners in a new world each week.  And slowly and surely... SW is developing his social acumen to make friends.  C'mon.. he's a boy.  How hard is it to find other boys who want to play.  It was especially cute that at this church... in his grade level... he wasn't the shortest boy!! Awwwwwwww...........

So now... it turns out that I worry more about NN and her social abilities.  She's nearing that age where if you don't have friends going in, it's hard to make friends from the outside.  Sigh... and next year, it'll be 5th going onto 6th grade.  What to do... what to do...

In today's TWA... we're reminded that  這稱為我名下的子民,若是謙卑、禱告、尋求我的面,轉離他們的惡行,我必從天上垂聽,赦免他們的罪,醫治他們的地。 Must humble myself before the Lord... and align my heart with His. 

Monday, July 22, 2019


On travel this week... and for some odd reason, I really miss my kids.  It's only day 1 and I'm miserable from homesickness.  On the plane ride from DEN to HSV, I saw a dad traveling with this little girl who was maybe 4 or 5.  She was very well behaved.  Played with her toys.  Colored. Her dad drew little mazes for her.  She spilled some stuff.  Her dad didn't give her the "Tssssk" sound that I probably would've made.  And after 2 hours on the plane while waiting out a thunderstorm and overall an hour delay into HSV.... while we landed... she started singing.  Brought huge smiles to every one around her.  I miss my 囡囡.

Then when I got to the hotel and started to wind down... I watched a little Netflix.  The show had woman who just found out she was pregnant. She walked by and saw a beautiful outfit in the window for a little girl... a yellow cardigan over a dress that had bumblebees on it.  Cue the music and the amazing artistry to capture that moment.  Then change scene to that mom opening the bag at home and pulling out that sweater admiring it.  Almost makes me want to go shopping with 囡囡 and get her a cute little outfit.  (Almost).  And to think.... until I have a granddaughter... I won't be able to relive those moments anymore. I miss my 囡囡.

And to top it off... good ol' dad sends a text tonight that basically says daughters (henceforth 囡囡) has no place in this family.  He blames it on the old family tradition.  I soooooo wanted to tell him off, and say, YOU can change that tradition if you want to.  Decided to protest silently.  Yes... my daughter is born disadvantaged cuz of a different chromosome.  But I'll be darn if I let her get picked on without going down with a fight... even if it's against thousands of years of tradition.  I miss my 囡囡.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Feeling of Vulnerability

Was woken up this morning, not by any alarm, but by my house's fire alarm.  It was loud!! There was a lady's voice that said something along the lines of "Fire. Fire. Evacuate. Evacuate."

I sat up in bed... groggy.  Looked at the clock - 5:30AM.  What was happening!?! Was there really a fire?? Did I leave the stove on?? Did Joyce burn something in the oven??  I got up... grabbed my phone... of course... and proceeded into the hallway.  *Sniff*Sniff*.  No smoke.  The kids got up and started walking out of their room.  Do we really evacuate like we do in school and work fire drills?

Right, wrong or indifferent.  I ensured their room was safe... and I walked around the house to check it out.  Nothing was out of the ordinary.  Front door.  Living room.  Kitchen.  Garage.  Dead and still as night.  What triggered the alarm??? Was it smoke? Carbon Monoxide? Maybe we have critters in our attic that cause the line to jump? The alarm stopped and I tried to get the kids to bed - but they were too excited or amped up.  They talked and talked until it was 7AM. 

Tonight... we had a little family meeting.  We talked about what to do in case of an emergency.  The kids then volunteered what they would bring with them.  A piggy bank.  A blanky.  A pillow or squishmellow.  I told them I would grab our documents, my wallet, my phone and the car keys.  If anything, we can drive to somewhere else. 

Then at night... after we turned off the lights... and I was telling my bed time story, SW was standing up doing stuff.  I wasn't sure what he was doing.  Right before saying goodnight.. .he said he was scared.  Scared that a fire can burn our house down.  **How do you reassure someone to NOT be scared?? By saying, "唔洗驚?"**

After they fell asleep and they started snoring away, I got up and there was a mess on the floor.  I shone my phone on the bedroom floor.... and it was a giant quilt.  In the middle of the quilt... was their piggy bank, a blanky and a squishmellow.  He made his bug-out bag and was ready to split at a moment's notice.

How long will my kids have to live in fear...and to live with this feeling of vulnerability?

Sunday, July 14, 2019

A Tale of Two Pineapple Buns

Went out yesterday to meet up with Dad at Peet's.  He didn't know we stopped by Pineapple King on the way there... so he ordered a blueberry muffin.  When he saw us bust out with the heavenly pillow of pleasure, he says, "早知有菠蘿包我就唔哎muffin啦."  I took his muffin and saved it for another day.  Was able to break bread (not just any bread) with dad.  It was a good morning.

This morning... the kids could choose between 85 deg C bread and a pineapple bun.  They picked pineapple bun.  They have chosen wisely.  It is a good morning.

Friday, July 12, 2019


Started watching some of Jackie Chan's movies with the kids recently.  Of course... picking the ones that are family friendly.  Some of this martial arts ones... or 警匪.. or even the American / Hollywood ones are too mature for them. 

Naturally (for me), the first one I started out with is 龍兄虎弟.  SW and NN loved it so much... they couldn't stop talking about it or even re-enacting it.  It was a splitting image of myself.  That was my reaction when I first saw it too.  But it goes downhill from there.  We then hit up 飛鷹計劃, which was bad when I first saw it.  Followed by the third installment in this trilogy 十二生肖, which is total garbage.  But the kids know something is good when they see it... and they wanted more.  So I went with one of the all time greats....奇蹟, which isn't an all time great Jackie Chan movie, but an all time great HK Cinema movie.  Much to my disappointment, they didn't come to appreciate the storyline. 

Tonight... I ventured to something more basic or raw... 快餐車.  Within 20 minutes, I had to stop it.  Even I couldn't stomach it anymore.  When will I proceed to 警察故事? A計劃? Or at the very least... 五福星?  Actually... the real question is... when do I introduce them to 金庸??

Sunday, July 07, 2019

It's not a deal... it's a steal!

With Prime Day around the corner... it makes me think how my day can make or break if I can find a good deal.  Finding a 30% coupon at Sweet Tomatoes instead of a 20% coupon.  Finding a Family Size Lays for the same price as regular sized Lays.  Or just about anything at Costco - the happiest place on earth (outside of DL). 

There comes a time though... when you need to be careful. 

Case in point, at any restaurant, the highest marked up wine is generally the 2nd most expensive bottle.  Why??  Human nature... we will be priced out of the most expensive thing on the menu.  But we like to keep up with the Jones', so we aim high..... but not too high.  It's actually very predictable. 

Case in point... this past week at the Happiest Place on Earth.  I saw a bottle of wine, priced at $27 marked down to $18.  That's 30% off!!!  Didn't even hesitate.  Everything at Costco is already above average.... but to save 30%!!!! 

Right when I was walking away, a young man came shopping with his elderly parent.  The parent also saw the deal.  Not the wine label.  Who cares which winery it is... it's on sale!!  The son... didn't even think twice, and grabbed the bottle next to it, priced at $37.  He could've bought two of my wine for his one bottle!!  The elderly parent lingered.  Looked at the bottle in her hand.  Looked at the price.  Looked at the bottle she was cradling.  Looked at the price.  And the son... was pushing the cart and leaving.  Sadly... the old lady had to return the bottle.   I shake my head.  What an imbecile!! Not only are you spending more money... you're dishonoring your parent!! HA!! 

I popped open the bottle this weekend.... and Ohhhhhhhhhhh.....   I should've known better.  There's a reason why it's marked down 30%.  There's a reason why it's a deal.... cuz it's not just a deal, it's a steal.  I had $18 stolen right out of my wallet!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!! 

Saturday, July 06, 2019

論金庸 - 談倚天

自小就喜愛金庸筆下的故事。 最初接觸金庸就是1984年台灣所拍下的神鵰俠侶。 雖然當時不是太懂得國語,但是看公仔看圖畫和媽媽加以解釋之下,都明白故事的大綱,些少細節與及高潮。 楊過拜師,斷臂遇神鵰,暗然銷魂掌,這一切,並向我這一生種下金庸世界的熱枕。

由於中文程度差, 對金庸的認識大部份都是嚟自無綫電視劇集。直至到大學畢業後,第一份工被人裁員,有一段的空間我竟然可以慢慢回味一番我自小的喜好,一連幾個星期不眠不休看完他的小說。 接觸金庸的故事在乎天時地理人和包括自己的內心世界, 當時生活中的過程, 人生中的點滴與及如何面對人生的觀點。

最近看了大陸製作的最新倚天屠龍記。 能夠有少少認識到這故事其實是源於黃玉郎的如來神掌裏面龍劍飛的故事。當時香港還沒有版權的意念. 黃玉郎左抄右抄將很多小說帶入了漫畫與連環套的世界,給了一班不羈的青年能夠踏入金庸的世界。

不知東南亞如何宣傳這套劇,但海外的我, 最認知的就是最美的滅絕師太 - 周海媚,。觀看了多套倚天屠龍記, 心裏的滅絕師太就只有李香琴那一位。其他滅絕師太不是比她遜色, 而是不夠他的bitchiness,好有可能李香琴飾演的滅絕師太, 遠遠不及金庸筆下的滅絕師太. 但在我心目中,只有他能夠稱得上上滅下絕。可惜可惜。 今次這套製作有一點兒像星球大戰前傳一樣、錯失好良機。 劇本有了,演員嘅陣容強大,科技的發達,但最終出來的結果真是食而無味,有點漏氣。 但倚天畢竟是倚天。 尤其是86倚天是我親手借回家的,有一個前所未有的專理權。倚天是屬於我的。

要睇倚天, 其實只有三四個情節要睇. 其餘的可以當作廢物拋諸腦後。例如誅九真的那一段, 每次想起我都毛管動。又或者是萬安寺, 趙敏如何欺負六大牌高手, 我都覺得甚為討厭。第一就是張無忌接下滅絕屍體三掌,拯救銳金旗,第二當然就是大戰光明頂. 第三在武當山重遇張三丰、而第四就是揭開整個故事的秘密,帶到故事的劇中。

這次的倚天特別之處, 就是拍下了金庸最新改編的結局。在互聯網翻查之下發覺原來最初第一版的結局出現在明報,這結局甚少在電視劇拍出來,因為沒有大團圓的感覺,亦沒有羅密歐與朱麗葉浪漫的情景。還記得第一次閱讀小說時, 最後的結果與我對86倚天的認識差別竟然令我大吃一驚。可能說因為我天生專一, 情有獨鍾,不能理解到一位英雄怎樣可以同一時間擁有多一位紅顏知己, 終身伴侶。

2001吳啟華倚天的結局也相當之令人滿意,因為兩大女主角都同樣尋找到好的歸宿。雖然宋青書與周芷若能夠在一起是有點勉強, 但曹永廉與佘詩曼都是無線的小生花旦, 一句冇所謂就算數。

從哥哥口中, 知識在大陸, 每當你問男士們喜愛那一位金庸的女主角, 問10個有九個半都回答是趙敏。金庸他本人答案會是小昭。你問我, 我個答案就是萬安寺前的周芷若。可能是因為鄧萃雯先入為主令, 我產生周芷若後遺症。 她的身世, 她的單純, 她的委屈, 她的抉擇, 她的結局都令我很想走上前把她擁抱着, 保護着, 安慰着。 趙敏的不可一世,千金小姐, 自把自為的態度, 令我非常之討厭。有很多人是欣賞, 但是當周芷若作稍為同一樣的事的時候, 她就比辱罵為大惡, 毒婦惡婦. 。 她在被逼之下, 沒有真正的思考之下, 情緒控制不到之下, 把珠兒殺掉了。不是殺人滅口, 是她在執行任務時被發現, 愚蠢的珠兒, 在芷若三反四次勸誡之下沒有收聲!但是趙敏所殺的不可勝數。趙敏的狠毒, 趙敏的奸詐, 趙敏的處心積慮, 應該就是張無忌的正, 剛剛相反的邪!

周芷若是想光復峨嵋派, 成全他師傅的遺訓。這有錯嗎?雖然她是行了捷徑, 從九陰真經中學到最惡毒, 最簡單敗絮其中的九陰白骨爪,但這不是尊師重道的精神嗎?周芷若外表可能是冷酷,但內心仍是柔軟, 仍然是在愛痛等候着她的無忌哥。

小昭, 怎能不談及小昭呢, 可憐的她要回到波斯當成女做,波斯明教教主。人在江湖身不由己,有時是沒有得揀的。中原明教波斯明教可說是平等。嚴格來說波斯明教應該是高於中原明教一等、按次序按輪班、小昭是大過張無忌。非常之感人就是金庸筆下寫到小昭將聖火零還給張無忌的那封信裏面,永遠稱無忌為公子,稱自己為婢女。


Thursday, July 04, 2019

I am he

Many years ago... when I was a lowly IC2... I would see my manager use his laptop.  And slowly and methodically use the little button in the middle of the keyboard for his mouse.  Then he'd tap the pad to select and click-n-move.  Drove me nuts!!!  So slow and inefficient.  I prefer having an actual mouse so I do work at twice the speed.

Guess what... nowadays... I find myself doing the same thing.  Using that little track pad and mouse buttons.  Even if I have a USB mouse attached. 

Sigh... I am now he.

Monday, July 01, 2019

"Who Was?"

"Bah B...can I ask you a question? Why do so many Christians call themselves Christians, but don't act like one?"

Wow... this question sure came from leftfield.  I gave her the modal answer - that we're all sinners and we fall short of the glory of God.

Moments later... she asks, "Does God hate rock-n-roll?"  ****SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEECH!!!****

Who was feeding her these questions!?!??!  It turns out... she's getting these ideas from the "Who Is/Was" series that she's been reading since 2nd grade.  And this one in particular is "Who Is Bono?"  Two folds... I'm glad NN is wise enough to read something from a book... and have the discernment to come to us for questions.  Also... she is sooooooo ready for Let's Proclaim.  C'mon!!!! One more year!!! Let's do this!!!!