Sunday, July 28, 2019

Gotta catch em all!!

Friday night... SW and I got kicked out of the house cuz NN had a sleep over.  So we ended up catching Pokemons.  We first went to a Raid...which we lost horribly cuz our Pokemons weren't powerful enough.  Then we went to fill up our bellies... then headed to a local park to start powering up.  By that time, it was sunset and time to head home.  Instead of going straight home... I ended up driving through downtown Campbell at a snail's pace... so SW can collect some Pokeballs and catch Pokemon's.  We had a blast.

Sunday night... we were heading home after a long day.  And now both NN and SW were sitting in the air conditioned car while I drove around hunting.  The best part is... we convinced Mommy to get into it too!!  Cuz we needed more Pokemons at our Raids.

So here I was... half asleep on a Sunday evening, driving through the suburbs of Silicon Valley, pulling into random parking lots of churches and coffee shops so they can find gyms, raids and look for badges and passes.  Make odd U-turns, pulling over by bus stops, circling over and over again just to get closer.  How mo-liu.... right??

5-10 years from now... we'll look back and say this was one our best quality family moment... this moment in time...

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