Sunday, July 07, 2019

It's not a deal... it's a steal!

With Prime Day around the corner... it makes me think how my day can make or break if I can find a good deal.  Finding a 30% coupon at Sweet Tomatoes instead of a 20% coupon.  Finding a Family Size Lays for the same price as regular sized Lays.  Or just about anything at Costco - the happiest place on earth (outside of DL). 

There comes a time though... when you need to be careful. 

Case in point, at any restaurant, the highest marked up wine is generally the 2nd most expensive bottle.  Why??  Human nature... we will be priced out of the most expensive thing on the menu.  But we like to keep up with the Jones', so we aim high..... but not too high.  It's actually very predictable. 

Case in point... this past week at the Happiest Place on Earth.  I saw a bottle of wine, priced at $27 marked down to $18.  That's 30% off!!!  Didn't even hesitate.  Everything at Costco is already above average.... but to save 30%!!!! 

Right when I was walking away, a young man came shopping with his elderly parent.  The parent also saw the deal.  Not the wine label.  Who cares which winery it is... it's on sale!!  The son... didn't even think twice, and grabbed the bottle next to it, priced at $37.  He could've bought two of my wine for his one bottle!!  The elderly parent lingered.  Looked at the bottle in her hand.  Looked at the price.  Looked at the bottle she was cradling.  Looked at the price.  And the son... was pushing the cart and leaving.  Sadly... the old lady had to return the bottle.   I shake my head.  What an imbecile!! Not only are you spending more money... you're dishonoring your parent!! HA!! 

I popped open the bottle this weekend.... and Ohhhhhhhhhhh.....   I should've known better.  There's a reason why it's marked down 30%.  There's a reason why it's a deal.... cuz it's not just a deal, it's a steal.  I had $18 stolen right out of my wallet!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!! 

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