Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Nomads R Us

This summer has been fun but challenging for the kids.  Week after week... we move them from camp to camp like nomads.  They enjoy camp.  They come home happy.  And they also come home with a lot of sh-tuff.  It's almost like these camps measure their own success by the amount of stuff the kids take home.  But alas... it's different every week. 

Monday it's chaotic.
Tuesday they get acclimated.
Wednesday they build a rhythm.
Thursday they make a friend (or 2).
Friday it's time to say good bye.

Breaks my heart to have to move the kids around like this.  Finally... we found some structure and consistency with this local church who ran a VBS, then back to back weeks of science camp.  3 weeks is a millennium for them.  And next week... it's back to Galileo.  Then it's outdoors camp. 

Sigh... it's great that the two play together, otherwise they'll be loners in a new world each week.  And slowly and surely... SW is developing his social acumen to make friends.  C'mon.. he's a boy.  How hard is it to find other boys who want to play.  It was especially cute that at this church... in his grade level... he wasn't the shortest boy!! Awwwwwwww...........

So now... it turns out that I worry more about NN and her social abilities.  She's nearing that age where if you don't have friends going in, it's hard to make friends from the outside.  Sigh... and next year, it'll be 5th going onto 6th grade.  What to do... what to do...

In today's TWA... we're reminded that  這稱為我名下的子民,若是謙卑、禱告、尋求我的面,轉離他們的惡行,我必從天上垂聽,赦免他們的罪,醫治他們的地。 Must humble myself before the Lord... and align my heart with His. 

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