Friday, July 12, 2019


Started watching some of Jackie Chan's movies with the kids recently.  Of course... picking the ones that are family friendly.  Some of this martial arts ones... or 警匪.. or even the American / Hollywood ones are too mature for them. 

Naturally (for me), the first one I started out with is 龍兄虎弟.  SW and NN loved it so much... they couldn't stop talking about it or even re-enacting it.  It was a splitting image of myself.  That was my reaction when I first saw it too.  But it goes downhill from there.  We then hit up 飛鷹計劃, which was bad when I first saw it.  Followed by the third installment in this trilogy 十二生肖, which is total garbage.  But the kids know something is good when they see it... and they wanted more.  So I went with one of the all time greats....奇蹟, which isn't an all time great Jackie Chan movie, but an all time great HK Cinema movie.  Much to my disappointment, they didn't come to appreciate the storyline. 

Tonight... I ventured to something more basic or raw... 快餐車.  Within 20 minutes, I had to stop it.  Even I couldn't stomach it anymore.  When will I proceed to 警察故事? A計劃? Or at the very least... 五福星?  Actually... the real question is... when do I introduce them to 金庸??

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