Monday, July 22, 2019


On travel this week... and for some odd reason, I really miss my kids.  It's only day 1 and I'm miserable from homesickness.  On the plane ride from DEN to HSV, I saw a dad traveling with this little girl who was maybe 4 or 5.  She was very well behaved.  Played with her toys.  Colored. Her dad drew little mazes for her.  She spilled some stuff.  Her dad didn't give her the "Tssssk" sound that I probably would've made.  And after 2 hours on the plane while waiting out a thunderstorm and overall an hour delay into HSV.... while we landed... she started singing.  Brought huge smiles to every one around her.  I miss my 囡囡.

Then when I got to the hotel and started to wind down... I watched a little Netflix.  The show had woman who just found out she was pregnant. She walked by and saw a beautiful outfit in the window for a little girl... a yellow cardigan over a dress that had bumblebees on it.  Cue the music and the amazing artistry to capture that moment.  Then change scene to that mom opening the bag at home and pulling out that sweater admiring it.  Almost makes me want to go shopping with 囡囡 and get her a cute little outfit.  (Almost).  And to think.... until I have a granddaughter... I won't be able to relive those moments anymore. I miss my 囡囡.

And to top it off... good ol' dad sends a text tonight that basically says daughters (henceforth 囡囡) has no place in this family.  He blames it on the old family tradition.  I soooooo wanted to tell him off, and say, YOU can change that tradition if you want to.  Decided to protest silently.  Yes... my daughter is born disadvantaged cuz of a different chromosome.  But I'll be darn if I let her get picked on without going down with a fight... even if it's against thousands of years of tradition.  I miss my 囡囡.

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