Sunday, January 26, 2020


The Wuhan Coronavirus has taken the world by storm.  To a point where I asked Dad if we should still have our New Year's Dinner at a Chinese Buffet (full of Chinese ppl...and a not-so-clean environment).  His response was...  沒有關係, 不要草木皆兵.  So much wisdom... in 10 simple words.

Today... PAL asked us what we should do about CNY.  I apty replied... 草木皆兵.  HA!!!

Then I went off.... saying, in times of uncertainty and fear... the church needs to stand strong and be the light.  He didn't buy it.  He cancelled CNY.  I don't blame him.  That's the wise thing to do.

Oh btw... Dad ended up cancelling our dinner.  Pssssh.... all talk and nothing to back it up.  Weak sauce!!!

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