Monday, January 06, 2020

Snake can't walk without a head

After 5 minute of online research... we ended up picking a church to visit on Sunday.  It was a beautiful church with a wonderful story of how it started as a bible study of 30 people and continued to multiply.  Driving into the parking lot and stepping into the lobby.. you immediately feel welcomed.  Things are organized, people are stationed at their booths.  There are greeters that say "Hi."  The worship team was angelic!!!!  The AV was superb.   But something didn't feel right. 

And after the pastor started preaching... and you heard some of his words here and there... you start putting one and one together.  We searched online some more afterwards to realize their lead pastor is on indefinite leave due to unforeseen circumstances.  I can't imagine how much pain this church is going through right now... this time of uncertainty... perhaps some feel betrayed??   Some feel lost?? Some feel like it's times of turmoil where we really need to lean on Christ (and not man).

I can't judge. I don't know what happened. I can only go by my feelings from being there for 1.5 hours.  Boy do we need to pray for our pastors and shepherds.  And with that... I bless my dear Pastor to find peace in his time of mourning. 

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