Thursday, January 30, 2020

Writing an essay...

Nui nui has her SSAT's on Saturday.  On top of math and verbal...there is an essay portion.  So I spent the night coaching NN on how to write an essay... how to generate a topic sentence.  How to create an outline.  And after an outline... you can, as {{someone}} puts it... you "paint with words."

There are so many ways of writing an essay.. generating a topic... citing examples.  And NN simply has not experienced life to write a full blown essay.

Jogs back memory of 6th grade...when I once wrote "Who I love most."  I wrote... the people I love most is God and Mary. It was from my heart.  It was a true answer. The teacher read my essay publicly....anonomously.  Afterwards... my classmates came up to me and asked if it was my essay.  I didn't think anything of it and answered, "Yes." I was immediately accused of being a suck-up.  I wasn't ready for that response.  Why would anyone question my true values???

I don't want to stop NN from expressing herself.  To show her true colors.  But is that limiting her in the real world?

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