Saturday, January 04, 2020

Promises Broken, Promises Kept

Ever since we watched Frozen 2 and saw the trailer to Little Women... I made a promise to NN that not only will I watch the movie with her, I will finish reading the book before watching the movie.  I tried... I really did.  I took that book wherever I went.  Carved through 1/3 of it at PCS.  But alas... I had to keep by promise by breaking my promise. 

We were at SLO this weekend and the only place showing this movie is the vintage Palm Theater situated in the original Chinatown. We lined up... old skool style... and waited for the box office to open 30 minutes before the movie started.  No advanced ticket sales.  There was one guy, sitting behind a 1.5' x 2.5' hole in the wall with a piece of glass, a circle in the middle and a little box in the bottom to exchange the money/tickets.  We ended up sharing a large popcorn and a medium Sprite (no ice). There was one popcorn machine, one fountain and the lettering on the menu were those black letters with a tab that pokes into the cushioning cream colored backing. The seats were circa 1975, designed for humans that were probably at most 5'10" at 175 lbs. 

The audience had a definite demographic - gender and age.  Overheard a few men who were there trying to figure out what was going on.  Overheard a few women giving compliments to strangers for scoring points by coming out.  As we were leaving the movie... my neighbor asked, "So does this mean she has to watch the Niners playoff game with you?"

Little does he know... I'm the one that's honored and blessed to go on this Father Daughter Date with my 囡囡豬.

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