Wednesday, January 22, 2020

"I expected more...."

In 7th grade... our assignment was to write what happened to Ralph and Jack after the "Lord of the Flies."  I wrote about a paragraphs's worth....where Ralph became a General and Jack became a thief.  I got a "D" for that assignment with the comments, "I expected more from you." I was so ashamed.  Never got a D in my life.

I think back and realize.... I should have contested.  "Dude!!! You didn't give any guidelines!! I could've written a book had you asked!!!!"

Flash forward... I see a homework assignment for NN where she answered a question half-assed.  Her teacher gave her a similar comment, "You seem to have been in a hurry.  It's OK to have homework."

I didn't yell at NN.  I reflected on my incident umpteenth years ago and told NN.... you can do better.  It was a very quiet ride to school that morning.  Halfway through the ride... I told her to pull out her homework and re-write the answer.  You won't get any higher grade, but it's the right thing to do.  She started balling.... saying, "I'm under a lot of stress."  I didn't care.  It's the right thing to do.

After dropping her off.... I had to pull over and think.  "What did I just do?!?!?"  I didn't have an answer.

That night.... as I was putting her to bed.... she whispered, "Mrs. McKee won't change my grade, but she said thank you."  I hope she (and I) learned a lesson.

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