Sunday, January 19, 2020

Two Popes

Finally watched the movie "The Two Popes" on Netflix - about the passing of the Papacy from Benedict XVI to Francis.  I'll say it again... once a Catholic, always a Catholic.  In spite of many differences with theology, we all love God and believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior. 

Not sure how much "Hollywood" was put into the movie... in humanizing the infallible bishop of Rome, or canonizing the cardinal bishop of Buenos Aires. Not once (I don't think) did they bring up the Virgin Mary... but in too many instances... they brought up the sex scandal, to where I found myself crying uncontrollably again. 

Two styles.  Two factions.  Two continents.  Two stories.  One God.  One church.  It all comes together.  And bless the director of the movie... as much as I find personal connection with the name Francis as my own patron saint... the director goes on great lengths to expose Pope Francis' love for football or futbol to be more exact.

And with that... my Niners are onto the Super Bowl as 1.5 points Dawgs.  Is this for real?!?!?  I don't think I can relieve 2013 all over again.  Please God... let this be the year.  And if my prayer is any thing like Prayer Meeting last week... no one will say "Amen." 

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