Saturday, January 18, 2020

Good Samaritan

While exiting 17...  a car broke down and was causing traffic. Eventually made it to the culprit and it was a young couple. The wife was on the phone and the husband (like 90% of men) got out, popped the hood and pretended to know what to do by touching “this or that.” Heh. Was about to drive off when I remembered how a stranger helped BBDD when his car broke down. So I got out... Stopped traffic... and with the husband, pushed their SUV off the freeway offramp, across Hamilton and into a gas station.  The couple was so relieved. I said “Have a good day.”

Yes, I was late to lunch. But both kids were so happy hearing the story. Nn even said, “I want to grow up to be like Bah B.” I hope they grow up and be much more than me.

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