Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Prince of Tennis

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 105

A few weeks ago... I picked the show "Prince of Tennis" on Netflix because it was in Chinese with English subtitles - and it was about sports and based off of a Japanese Manga.  It was the perfect combination for the kids to enjoy... while able to learn some Chinese... but also know what's going on by reading the subtitles.  And this was when we found out SW needs glasses. 😞

Flash forward a few weeks.... and the entire family is binging on the show.  NN's Chinese is improving (or so she claims).  I still can't pick up half the things they say... let alone SW.  But they're itching to play tennis now!!  And the show is corny enough where they can laff about it... but real enough where it captivates the entire family.

Most importantly... one of the main characters' family owns a restaurant.  He brought out a plate of roast goose.  And now we're all craving some 燒鴨 right now. 

The Prince of Tennis (2019) - MyDramaList

Initially... Joyce was against watching 連續劇.  But maybe... now we can watch some 射鵰神鵰????

Monday, June 29, 2020

Life can get bad.... but it can also get REALLY good

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 104

Been dealing with the most impossible of cases at work as of late.  To a point where my soul, my spirit and now my body is suffering.  And today... without missing a beat... strikes again.  I literally... crawled out of my room to look for Joyce and begged... BEGGED her to let me change jobs.  I can't keep doing his... I can't keep dealing with this case.  I tried... I really did.  Shakira... I did my best.  But at some point... you have to throw in the towel and move on.  

Then... as life could not get any lower... a few pick me ups along the way. 

For one... one of my mentees made it through a high intensity, high visibility, non-rewarding training program.  I saw her struggle.  I struggled with her.  I coached.  I cheered.  I guilt-tripped.  I wanted what's best for her.  And I may have pushed a little too hard.  But today... marked the culmination of 2 years of blood, sweat and (I kid you not), tears. 

Right after she gave her graduation speech... she mentions that one of her fellow graduates quoted me in his speech.  Something I said 2 years ago at their indoctrinating event.  Not sure what the full context was... and not sure how it was received.  But I choose to believe... that my one bit of unfiltered advice was received well and processed well.  To think...2 years later... this dude remembers my name.  Heh....

And then... during my 1 on 1 with the summer hire.... she mentions that during the first staff meeting she attended, which I ran, she heard and wondered if I have some theater background.  The way I talked... I shimmied, I paused.... I PAUSED!!!!!!!!!!!!......  

Heh... just a few pick-me-ups in an otherwise horrid horrid day.

Then at night... I was playing Tennis with SW on the Switch.  And for a good 10-15 minutes... I was trash talking.  My character was called "Lisa."  And whenever Lisa would earn a point against SW.... I would scream, "Lisa 食 pizza!!!"  or "Ohhhhhhh. the pizza is ready!!!"  or something along the lines of "Lisa.... leaning on the tower of Pisa.... flying to see the Sphinx in Giza."  Completely meaningless... or so I thought.

After I demolished SW with the character "Lisa", he wanted a rematch.  And silly boy aptly chooses "Lisa."  Not like it matters....right??? But for some odd reason.... I could NOT beat him in the first few games.  And guess what came out of his mouth.....??????  Sigh.... my son.  What did I just create????? My side was hurting from laughing so hard. 

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Unexpected Reunion

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 103

Been feeling it the past few days as we ventured into Acts... I almost wanted to text the class as a whole to reminiscing on those glory days. But alas... I held back. This morning... during Corporate TWA... we busted out Acts. Half of the class was there including the Tsang's... the Lee's... Li Manna!!! When the names 百基拉 and 亞居拉 came up... I couldn't help but text a few of them. Heh... and it wasn't just me. Most if not all of them felt the same way. Sigh.... the graduation we never had. But the annual reunion that will be forever.....

Saturday, June 27, 2020


COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 102

It took over 30 years... but I finally found closure.  I finally beat Double Dragon, my very first Nintendo game.  But this doesn't come without a story... in this case... a saga.... 

Around the Fall of 1988... Dad got us our first Nintendo. I still remember the days leading up to that fateful moment. Big Bro and I would pour over the same Toys R Us advertisement over and over again.  Fighting, debating, arguing over the 2nd game to pick out.  Cuz hands-down, without argument, we were getting Double Dragon. This game was double meaningful because it had two guys on the cover. After we got done fighting over the 2nd game, we would then fight over who gets to be the blonde guy or Asian dude. The night we picked up the console... I remember getting Double Dragon but the 2nd game was sold out!! So we ended up getting Contra, which spins off to a whole saga on it's own.  We headed to Tony's house and quickly popped in our game. Tony and Howard already had their systems and their games. But ours were the newest and freshest.

Amazon.com: Double Dragon: Video Games
Add caption

My eyes were bulging, my heart was palpitating and my glands were excreting.  This is it. The moment I've been waiting for... where I can now.. finally...be a red blooded American boy who owned an NES.  The first thing we realized... this was nothing I had expected.  For one, it's a 1-player game.  So much for fighting over the blonde vs Asian guy.  Then the game started... "Mission 1."  As if it was yesterday... I can still hear Tony say, "Heh... Mission 街." Then Big Bro and Howard, the obviously coolest of the cousins said "This is different from the arcade."  "Very different."  

My heart sank faster than the Titanic.  All my hopes of an amazing gaming experience dashed like the hopes of a forlorn 49er fan. Within minutes of bordeom, out came Double Dragon and in went Hogan's Alley... Pro-Wrestling... Duck Hunt... and every game, but Double Dragon.  The runner up... Contra was getting more screen time than my beloved.  Cast away to the shadows and replaced by the mistress... the runner up... the never-meant-to-be.  (Sorry Contra...)

In the days that followed, I tried to make it up to Double Dragon.  I courted it.  Dated it.  Befriended it.  But the game-play was horrid, unfriendly, truly a debacle.  In fact, the game play was the reason why the word debacle was created. (Or would that be TMNT....hmmm...).  The breakup wasn't spectacular.  There was no Moonlighting banging of doors. Nor was there some 80's ballad playing in the background.  We simply grew apart.  

Days became weeks became months became years.  As Ben Franklin once put it, nothing can be certain except Tax and Death.  After years of Taxing our NES, it started to show signs of near Death. The system started to hang... it wouldn't start... it was dying.  We creatively came up with so many techniques to resuscitate the NES. The infamous blowing into the cartridge!  Followed closely by blowing into the console. Holding RESET while hitting POWER.  Resetting 3 times in a row.  Was it just our system?????  The Yellow and Red Audio Video lines started to glitch.  We had to put some weight on it... to ensure a good solid contact.  We of course, used the box of gray cartridges (and the one golden Zelda cartridge).  One after another... games came and went.  Bases Loaded 2.  Dragon Warrior.  Ninja Gaiden.  Final Fantasy (the original!!!) The tower of gray cartridges started to crumble and then one day.... there she was again.  

I was bored.  It wouldn't hurt.  It was barely played.  It would be in semi-playable condition, perhaps? Perchaps??  I'm now a few years older.  A little less naive.  A lot more shrewd.  Ok... I learned how to cheat. HAPPY!?!??!  And that's what I did.... I cheated.  I figured out a way to earn as many hearts as I can, early in the game.  Instead of knocking down the bad guys while earning points to earn hearts, I would punch them twice then walk away.  That way... I can use the weakest enemies (in the beginning) to build up my arsenal, before I played the harder enemies in the harder levels.  Cheating????  Nah.

Our love was rekindled.  I was all over my lover and it was all over me. We made mad love on the floor of our Chinatown apartment.  The trick worked... I was able to get deep into Mission 3... Mission 4!!! The falling stalagmites.  The double Abobos in white shorts.  Then ONE night.... I finally got to Willie.  Big Willie.  First time encountering this boss.  All I knew about him was the little I read from the original Nintendo magazine that came with the system and an occasional mention in Nintendo Power.  He held a machine gun.  A MACHINE GUN!!! And then... as I was moments away from my greatest triumph....  the words came through the house, "食飯喇!"  

<to be continued>

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Zoom zoom zoom....

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 99

I had the honor of hosting tonight's Prayer Meeting... over Zoom!!  It sucked.... so hard, so stressful, so discombobulated.  Operating with a Mac is tough enough.  And I only had one screen.  And there's so many things to control and press.  And time management... didn't want to go too long.  But realized... people needed more time to pray... Ugh.... with zero real time feedback!!  And for PAL to have to do this... and TWA... and Hospitality Hour... week after week.  Poor guy.  

Sometimes... you take for granted how hard it is to run a church family.  And sometimes... it's so easy to sit back and throw stones at your own glass house.

But as for me... the one moment that really counted... was crying out with my brothers and sisters... that we can hug and embrace one another again.  Without borders.  Without race.  Without hesitation.  All in the name of God's love and mercy.  

Amen... and amen again - a billion times over. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Animal Crossing

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 98

So Nintendo has this game that's apparently taking the world by storm.  We finally bit the bullet and bought a Nintendo Switch... and along with it, got Animal Crossing.  Not much of a gamer myself... but just hearing all the hoopla has perked my interest.  After waiting forever (and a day) for the game to arrive... the game was exceptionally mediocre at best.  

Lots of reading (Nintendo style).  No action.  Lots of business and all for what???  You're building stuff.  Planting stuff.  Pulling weed.  Donating things.  Selling things.  Finding things.  What's the point?  To some... it's completely pointless.  And to the rest of the world... that's exactly what we need... mindless entertainment that can keep us distracted from all the craziness around us.  

We initially thought SW will be all over this game.  Turns out NN is the one fighting for screen time.  The only reason I got excited is cuz Geoff and Nita are on the game and we can find another way to connect.  Along with Brandon, we finally figured out how they can come over to our island tonight.  And boy was it fun... not just for me, but the family.  Huda thunk that my kids, over the phone and the internet, will be hanging out with my two best friends?  They were joking.  Laughing.  Giggling.  Even Joyce was enjoying it.  

At one point... Joyce looked at me and mouthed the words, "We need to get a second switch" cuz there's just too much infighting and bickering.  I actually enjoyed it.  This game console has forced our family to come together in newfound ways.  I'm not a fan of the game.  But I'm the #1 fan when it comes to family fun time.  

Monday, June 22, 2020

It's the thought that counts...

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 97

Got separate texts from the folks... Dad says, "我是老廣東, 經常都煲老火湯, 日後不用帶湯給我了, 心領。" Oh the beef was a little salty.  

Mom said... that the 淮山杞子湯 made her sick.  Oops!!  Didn't realize 淮山 and 杞子 can be that nourishing.  補過龍!

I guess it's a little bit like them buying food for us every time we see them.  I really don't want anymore rotten fruit and veggies.  But it's 一番心意.  Oh well... such it is.  

Sunday, June 21, 2020


COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 96

Dad handed me another album from my younger years. This time it’s from senior year in high school when we had our grad dance and subsequent BBQ party. A decent rush of memories... fond or not. “She” was obviously in those pictures. Sigh... regardless of what happened, the past is what helped shape me today. 

I felt like chucking it... the whole album. Wasn’t something I was gonna show the kids. Didn’t make a difference if I relived those days or not.  Ironically, “she” appeared in my dream last night. Oy.... I guess it’s like an old song suddenly popping in your head. Why it happens? Shrug... it just does. 

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Role reversal

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 95

Father’s Day tomorrow. I’ll be seeing both mom and dad and I find myself making 老火湯, cooking food, and prepping a food package for both parents, hoping they can get some good, nutritious food. My... how roles have reversed.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Recurring Dream

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 94

Every so often... I’ll dream about Hong Kong. Last time I had a dream, I remembered having to take the bus to find grandma. Riding a huge escalator to get to the top of a 100 floor tower and finding a dinky apartment.  (the dream is amazingly vivid).

Last night I had another dream about HK. This time... I was at a hotel and I was looking for street food. I googled "food" on my phone... and found out I was walking distance from a lot of food. Then I searched for Cambio - knowing I needed HKD. And the results were by the food... except when I zoomed in... it was in a lake!!! And the cambio exchanges were sharks swimming around the water. The food was in a man-made island. Then I thought, “Wait!! It’s SIP. What if the street food is closed!!” The scene changed to a booth changing signs.... and based on the day of the week, a different vendor can open. Makes too much sense, actually....

Heh... HK. Place of my birth...and really... that’s about it.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The Virgin Mary

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 91

"So that's what the big deal is with the Virgin Mary? I didn't know that virgin meant you never.... (in a whisper) had sex."

(Play it cool... this is really happening!) "Yup... that's what it means.  Where did you learn that from?"

"From my friends..."

(Act like nothing is happening... while giving Joyce the bug-eyed look...which she ignored) "Good... those are good things to discuss with friends"

Thus it begins... the birds and the bees finally came to be.  And all it took... was the mother of God to start the conversation. 

Monday, June 15, 2020

For the first time in forever...

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 90

We're hosting a teacher during the summer. As awkward as it was... we got through the intial orientation and I was able to take her out to lunch... at a restaurant... outdoors.  Took the teacher to DishDash - staple in Sunnyvale... and it was weird.  

The place is set up very nicely for SIP dining.  The utensils, napkin and menu came in a ziplock bag. You can order on your phone by scanning a QR code.  And paying the bill can be done with a remote bill pay (covered in Saran Wrap).

The food was amazing.  The service was exceptional.  The company... long lost and missed.  We initially had masks on... then slowly... removed it to sip water.  And eventually... we took it off for the ease of conversation.  She sat at one corner and I sat at the other.  At one point... I saw myself spit in her direction while talking (oops!).  The last meal I had prior to SIP that was eating out....?? I don't even remember. Was it sushi with the kids during their Winter Break??  For the first time in forever... we were able to eat out.  

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Once in a blue moon

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 89

Yesterday... Joyce led our little Bible Study session. After 15+years at SJCAC... this is notably the 2nd time she's led a study.  She pushed back.  She came up with excuses.  She found every reason to not do it.  But for whatever reason... she pulled it off.  Not only did she pull it off... she had command of the entire study.  She managed time ohhh soooo well.  And lookie here... she was prepared and ready.  Her dedication to the Word is so real, so intense, you can feel it.  You can see it.  You can hear it.  

Unlike those other so-called leaders who half-@$$es it... gets by... and pats himself on the back.  You can see right through those people.. and you just shake your head.   And like all studies... at the end of the day... it's really between you and Jesus.  So in love... so so in love. 😍

Saturday, June 13, 2020


COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 88

What's the biggest tip (percentage wise) you've ever given? 

I still remember at Vegas.... we'd leave a $5 chip for our dealer ever so often.  Then one time, I go to Reno I won a nice hand and tipped a $5 chip (cuz it was a $5 table).  The dealer's eyes popped out.  And Big Bro whispered, "$1 is enough."  

One time in Chinatown... while buying pastries at a bakery... there was a white dude that spoke perfect Cantonese.  At the end... after paying the cashier, he so subtly said, "唔駛找."  So cool.  I thought that only happened in the movies.

Few years later, I did that in a Chinatown bakery.  Paid in cash and the change was about $0.80.  I echoed those famous words, "唔駛找."  The lady chastised me for being dumb.   

Today... Joyce let me out to go buy some takeout so I went to Tai Pan to get some Dim Sum and PAB.  I was going to pay cash to minimize the exchange and let them keep the change to help out a small business.  The bill came out to be around $31.  I gave her 2 twenties... hesitated for one split second and once again said, "唔駛找."  

The lady said... "吓。 三十一蚊咋喎!

I smiled (behind my mask), winked (behind my shades), and nodded my head (underneath my hat).  

"得喇, 唔該晒。"

And as I was walking out... I heard her say, "八蚊都唔要。"  

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Honey! I shrunk the kids

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 86

Is it happening? Are we running out of things to watch on the streaming services?  Tonight, we dove into the 1989 movie "Honey! I Shrunk the Kids" which holds a special place in my heart.

For obvious reasons - who wouldn't want to be the kid that gets shrunk, has to tame and ride an ant.  Eats a giant cookie for food.  Lives in a Lego block? And swims in a pool of milk and Cheerios? 

For less obvious, more deepening reasons.  

This was the first movie that mom let me and big bro go watch on our own.  Actually... it wasn't.  She gave us the green light to go on that Sunday afternoon.  The day before... big bro and I got into a big fight.  He wanted to watch "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade."  And I was dead set on watching this.  Even remember crying myself to sleep that night cuz I lost the argument.  The one argument... "You know what's going to happen at the end!"  Begrudgingly... we walked up to Regency I on Van Ness and got tickets to the show.  

We went into the theater, we sat apart.  We were not on speaking terms.  The movie was amazing... and to this day... "The Last Crusade" remains one of my favorite movies.  He was right.  I was wrong.  Perhaps.

I still remember being so excited... I ran out to get a large popcorn.  Why? Cuz that's what they do on TV.  You watch a movie with popcorn.  When I approached the snack bar and asked for a large popcorn, the lady said, "Uh...the movie's almost over."  I didn't know what she meant by that.  Did she mean that I was going to miss the ending???  So I replied... "It's ok...I saw it before."  Little did I know... she meant that I was wasting my money.  Heh... so young and naive and stupid.  

The heart strings still hurt.  A lot of movies don't stand the test of time - especially ones with cheap special effects.  But 30+ years later... I think this one does survive.  The kids loved it.  The want to watch the sequel...and the sequel to the sequel.  And me... the part when the older sister coughed up water and came back to life after nearly drowning... only to her baby brother jump and give her the biggest hug a little man can give... brought tears to my eyes.  

And ironically... this post ends with one of the most famous lines from the Last Crusade, "You have chosen, wisely."  

Wednesday, June 03, 2020

All Lives Matter

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 78

All Lives Matter
by H. Leung

One side, a smile… a face

The other, an eagle.. a place

Toss and flip a million chances

Neither will make greater advances

Conjoined from the start

Never aligned, yet never apart

No greater no equal no less the mate

Built upon centuries of hate

Separated by the smallest of bridges

Perfectly carved a series of ridges

E pluribis unum

Divided we find our doom

Hatred, prejudice, unjust

Our hope is In God We Trust

I'm not a poet.  But this was inspired by NN where she, a 10 year old, describes our current situation like a coin.  You have two sides.  Neither is right.  Neither is wrong. Oddly enough, they can never be closer.  Stranger yet, they can never be further apart.  And in the middle of all this... inscribed on the coin... "In God We Trust."  Who coined that term?? Not the founding fathers... no no.  It was actually Abraham Lincoln... in the midst of the Civil War when our country was... you got it.. completely torn apart. 

Monday, June 01, 2020


COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 76

"就算全世界嘅人放棄你,我都唔會放棄你。 我會將我畢生嘅運氣都俾晒你。一直都係你身邊保護你,祝福你。加油。"
