Sunday, June 14, 2020

Once in a blue moon

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 89

Yesterday... Joyce led our little Bible Study session. After 15+years at SJCAC... this is notably the 2nd time she's led a study.  She pushed back.  She came up with excuses.  She found every reason to not do it.  But for whatever reason... she pulled it off.  Not only did she pull it off... she had command of the entire study.  She managed time ohhh soooo well.  And lookie here... she was prepared and ready.  Her dedication to the Word is so real, so intense, you can feel it.  You can see it.  You can hear it.  

Unlike those other so-called leaders who half-@$$es it... gets by... and pats himself on the back.  You can see right through those people.. and you just shake your head.   And like all studies... at the end of the day... it's really between you and Jesus.  So in love... so so in love. 😍

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