Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Zoom zoom zoom....

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 99

I had the honor of hosting tonight's Prayer Meeting... over Zoom!!  It sucked.... so hard, so stressful, so discombobulated.  Operating with a Mac is tough enough.  And I only had one screen.  And there's so many things to control and press.  And time management... didn't want to go too long.  But realized... people needed more time to pray... Ugh.... with zero real time feedback!!  And for PAL to have to do this... and TWA... and Hospitality Hour... week after week.  Poor guy.  

Sometimes... you take for granted how hard it is to run a church family.  And sometimes... it's so easy to sit back and throw stones at your own glass house.

But as for me... the one moment that really counted... was crying out with my brothers and sisters... that we can hug and embrace one another again.  Without borders.  Without race.  Without hesitation.  All in the name of God's love and mercy.  

Amen... and amen again - a billion times over. 

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