Thursday, June 11, 2020

Honey! I shrunk the kids

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 86

Is it happening? Are we running out of things to watch on the streaming services?  Tonight, we dove into the 1989 movie "Honey! I Shrunk the Kids" which holds a special place in my heart.

For obvious reasons - who wouldn't want to be the kid that gets shrunk, has to tame and ride an ant.  Eats a giant cookie for food.  Lives in a Lego block? And swims in a pool of milk and Cheerios? 

For less obvious, more deepening reasons.  

This was the first movie that mom let me and big bro go watch on our own.  Actually... it wasn't.  She gave us the green light to go on that Sunday afternoon.  The day before... big bro and I got into a big fight.  He wanted to watch "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade."  And I was dead set on watching this.  Even remember crying myself to sleep that night cuz I lost the argument.  The one argument... "You know what's going to happen at the end!"  Begrudgingly... we walked up to Regency I on Van Ness and got tickets to the show.  

We went into the theater, we sat apart.  We were not on speaking terms.  The movie was amazing... and to this day... "The Last Crusade" remains one of my favorite movies.  He was right.  I was wrong.  Perhaps.

I still remember being so excited... I ran out to get a large popcorn.  Why? Cuz that's what they do on TV.  You watch a movie with popcorn.  When I approached the snack bar and asked for a large popcorn, the lady said, "Uh...the movie's almost over."  I didn't know what she meant by that.  Did she mean that I was going to miss the ending???  So I replied... "It's ok...I saw it before."  Little did I know... she meant that I was wasting my money.  Heh... so young and naive and stupid.  

The heart strings still hurt.  A lot of movies don't stand the test of time - especially ones with cheap special effects.  But 30+ years later... I think this one does survive.  The kids loved it.  The want to watch the sequel...and the sequel to the sequel.  And me... the part when the older sister coughed up water and came back to life after nearly drowning... only to her baby brother jump and give her the biggest hug a little man can give... brought tears to my eyes.  

And ironically... this post ends with one of the most famous lines from the Last Crusade, "You have chosen, wisely."  

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