Monday, June 29, 2020

Life can get bad.... but it can also get REALLY good

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 104

Been dealing with the most impossible of cases at work as of late.  To a point where my soul, my spirit and now my body is suffering.  And today... without missing a beat... strikes again.  I literally... crawled out of my room to look for Joyce and begged... BEGGED her to let me change jobs.  I can't keep doing his... I can't keep dealing with this case.  I tried... I really did.  Shakira... I did my best.  But at some point... you have to throw in the towel and move on.  

Then... as life could not get any lower... a few pick me ups along the way. 

For one... one of my mentees made it through a high intensity, high visibility, non-rewarding training program.  I saw her struggle.  I struggled with her.  I coached.  I cheered.  I guilt-tripped.  I wanted what's best for her.  And I may have pushed a little too hard.  But today... marked the culmination of 2 years of blood, sweat and (I kid you not), tears. 

Right after she gave her graduation speech... she mentions that one of her fellow graduates quoted me in his speech.  Something I said 2 years ago at their indoctrinating event.  Not sure what the full context was... and not sure how it was received.  But I choose to believe... that my one bit of unfiltered advice was received well and processed well.  To think...2 years later... this dude remembers my name.  Heh....

And then... during my 1 on 1 with the summer hire.... she mentions that during the first staff meeting she attended, which I ran, she heard and wondered if I have some theater background.  The way I talked... I shimmied, I paused.... I PAUSED!!!!!!!!!!!!......  

Heh... just a few pick-me-ups in an otherwise horrid horrid day.

Then at night... I was playing Tennis with SW on the Switch.  And for a good 10-15 minutes... I was trash talking.  My character was called "Lisa."  And whenever Lisa would earn a point against SW.... I would scream, "Lisa 食 pizza!!!"  or "Ohhhhhhh. the pizza is ready!!!"  or something along the lines of "Lisa.... leaning on the tower of Pisa.... flying to see the Sphinx in Giza."  Completely meaningless... or so I thought.

After I demolished SW with the character "Lisa", he wanted a rematch.  And silly boy aptly chooses "Lisa."  Not like it matters....right??? But for some odd reason.... I could NOT beat him in the first few games.  And guess what came out of his mouth.....??????  Sigh.... my son.  What did I just create????? My side was hurting from laughing so hard. 

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