Wednesday, June 03, 2020

All Lives Matter

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 78

All Lives Matter
by H. Leung

One side, a smile… a face

The other, an eagle.. a place

Toss and flip a million chances

Neither will make greater advances

Conjoined from the start

Never aligned, yet never apart

No greater no equal no less the mate

Built upon centuries of hate

Separated by the smallest of bridges

Perfectly carved a series of ridges

E pluribis unum

Divided we find our doom

Hatred, prejudice, unjust

Our hope is In God We Trust

I'm not a poet.  But this was inspired by NN where she, a 10 year old, describes our current situation like a coin.  You have two sides.  Neither is right.  Neither is wrong. Oddly enough, they can never be closer.  Stranger yet, they can never be further apart.  And in the middle of all this... inscribed on the coin... "In God We Trust."  Who coined that term?? Not the founding fathers... no no.  It was actually Abraham Lincoln... in the midst of the Civil War when our country was... you got it.. completely torn apart. 

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