Friday, June 19, 2020

Recurring Dream

COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 94

Every so often... I’ll dream about Hong Kong. Last time I had a dream, I remembered having to take the bus to find grandma. Riding a huge escalator to get to the top of a 100 floor tower and finding a dinky apartment.  (the dream is amazingly vivid).

Last night I had another dream about HK. This time... I was at a hotel and I was looking for street food. I googled "food" on my phone... and found out I was walking distance from a lot of food. Then I searched for Cambio - knowing I needed HKD. And the results were by the food... except when I zoomed in... it was in a lake!!! And the cambio exchanges were sharks swimming around the water. The food was in a man-made island. Then I thought, “Wait!! It’s SIP. What if the street food is closed!!” The scene changed to a booth changing signs.... and based on the day of the week, a different vendor can open. Makes too much sense, actually....

Heh... HK. Place of my birth...and really... that’s about it.

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