Saturday, June 13, 2020


COVID-19 - School Closure - Day 88

What's the biggest tip (percentage wise) you've ever given? 

I still remember at Vegas.... we'd leave a $5 chip for our dealer ever so often.  Then one time, I go to Reno I won a nice hand and tipped a $5 chip (cuz it was a $5 table).  The dealer's eyes popped out.  And Big Bro whispered, "$1 is enough."  

One time in Chinatown... while buying pastries at a bakery... there was a white dude that spoke perfect Cantonese.  At the end... after paying the cashier, he so subtly said, "唔駛找."  So cool.  I thought that only happened in the movies.

Few years later, I did that in a Chinatown bakery.  Paid in cash and the change was about $0.80.  I echoed those famous words, "唔駛找."  The lady chastised me for being dumb.   

Today... Joyce let me out to go buy some takeout so I went to Tai Pan to get some Dim Sum and PAB.  I was going to pay cash to minimize the exchange and let them keep the change to help out a small business.  The bill came out to be around $31.  I gave her 2 twenties... hesitated for one split second and once again said, "唔駛找."  

The lady said... "吓。 三十一蚊咋喎!

I smiled (behind my mask), winked (behind my shades), and nodded my head (underneath my hat).  

"得喇, 唔該晒。"

And as I was walking out... I heard her say, "八蚊都唔要。"  

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