Friday, October 30, 2020

A simple gesture

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 67

PAL set the vision...And there was a resounding response... a response to renting a Uhaul, grab almost 300 boxes of groceries... and hand deliver it to family, friends, elderly, those in need. 

It's a government sponsored program... and the food is wonderful.  Perishable stuff.  Not cheap at all.

I even have written proof that the Donald encourages wearing masks. 😷

Almost wanted to pull that note out... but I guess credit goes where credit is due. 

So Friday morning... handwrote a few little blessing cards... dawned our, once again, very reliability SJCAC shirt and made a trek around the Bay Area, with the entire family no less!!

I had my reservations.  People don't want extra food... do they?? They'll end up throwing it away, right??  Well... turns out... my deliverees weren't so much interested in the food.  But just longing for the sight of a human body reaching out and caring.  One elderly couple didn't want me to leave... kept persisting to chit-chat.  And there were actually some heart breaking stories...  

A wonderful time for unity.  A wonderful time to serve. A wonderful time to reach out and touch someone.  All that, coming from a simple gesture.  

Monday, October 26, 2020

"I just landed"

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 63

After 2.5 months of rollercoastering... mom finally returns from HK.  She spent 28 glorious days there... 14 of which was quarantined in a hotel that offered stale and rotten food.  Then she spent 2 weeks with family...getting the much needed respect she deserves from her nieces and nephews... and her visiting grandma's grave.  

Due to some mis-reading... we realized last minute that mom was returning a day early.  So I switched into high gear and started cooking up a storm, in the midst of the plumbing issues, while I was prepping for a bible study on "Voting as Worship", while playing Beyblades, Life and Scattegories with the kids... while cooking a full dinner for them.  

Drove out to SFO to pick her up around 10PM... only for big bro to say... she might not remember to switch her HK sim card back to US sim card.  Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat.  My heart dropped.  How was I to get a hold of her??? Will mom know how to borrow someone's phone to call? Will anyone lend her a phone during COVID? If I park in SFO... pay the $8... will I still be able to find her in this giant aiport??

As I was about to embark on that climatic adventure... we received a text on WeChat, "I just landed."  Phew.... either she is texting with a HK Sim card (and paying for who knows how much roaming), or she figured out how to hook up to airport WiFi, or... she knew to swap the sim cards back.  Sometimes she amazes me.  One moment she's an old and senile 70+ year old asian lady that can't speak a word of English.  The next moment... she's the woman who took two rambunctious kids to Great America and Marine World on SamTran... all the while not speaking a word of English.

I picked her up at a ghost-town of an airport... brought her home... delivered her her food... since she supposedly should be self-quarantining.   Got back around 12:30AM.  By the time I scrubbed myself clean... finally hit the hay around 1AM.  I was pooped.... pooped I was.  Had to nap twice during the day... short little power naps. 

And the Niners are 3-3 with Seattle next week.  Shanahan continues to pull one rabbit after another out of his hat.  

Sunday, October 25, 2020

A $5 solution

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 62

For the past, I don't know how many months, my toilet has been hissing.  A quick search on the internet showed that the culprit is a worn out washer in the fill valve - the stem where water shoots in.  But my fill valve happens to not be showcased in any of the articles or DIY videos and the manufacturing has nothing on that valve - it's discontinued (more on that later). So since I can't replace the valve... I went to replace the entire thing.  Saturday... I bit the bullet and decided and bought two new fill valves... since both toilets were hissing.

Only to find out that the nut holding the valve to the toilet is a specialized hexagon valve that's over an inch in diameter.  I have nothing that can remove it.  On top of that.. the nut is on the end closest to the wall.. and there's literally no space for me to sneak my body in, let along a tool, let alone have any leverage for torquing.  I texted everyone asking for a tool... and my neighbor lent me his full arsenal.  Great guy... but none of the tool worked.  I needed a rudimentary hexagonal socket... one which I once had when I replaced my kitchen sink faucet.  No idea where it is.

After hours of twisting and turning... I threw in the towel.  Went to Home Depot (for the 2nd time) to pick up a set of sockets. $20. BAM!!! Worked liked a charm.  The nut came right off with the right tool (which I think is the key to being a good plumber, btw).  I was so happy... replaced everything and was ready to declare victory.  5 minutes after changing the valve...... the hissing came back.  

Dang it.  Something else was happening.  By now... I've read so many articles and papers on toilets, I was a downright expert.  I turned the water inlet off...and the water level continued to drop.  Which was causing the hissing...because the fill valve is trying to compensate for the fall... aka... hysteresis... aka... motorboating.  The water drops, the valve opens, water comes out little by little... HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.....

I tried the food color test.  But nothing was falling into the bowl!!! So it can't be the flapper. Which meant one thing... as validated by dozens of articles... take the darn toilet apart and replace the flush valve.  I had two more options to test before diving that deep.  Remove the bidet... which coincidentally... was around the time when the hissing started.  Or replace the flapper - which can't be the cause cuz the colored water was not falling from the tank to the bowl.  Examining the flapper... it was still in decent condition.  

Sunday morning before service started, I even skipped TWA, and I inched back into that crevice to remove the bidet.  Was hoping it wasn't the root cause... cuz we all love the bidet.  But needed to check the check mark.  And indeed... it wasn't it.  Water level kept dropping.  Last gasp before going full out and replacing the flush valve.... head to Home Depot and get a flapper.  Why not.  It's a 2 minute change... and costed me $5.  Third trip to Home Depot.  

After I got home... had lunch... started prepping for bible study while watching the Niners kick @$$.  And gosh darnit.... the hissing stopped.  It was the flapper afterall.  All those articles I read... that's always the first thing they recommend.  But I skip it and opt for the harder solution.  Cuz really... it can't be that simple, right???

So after it was all said and done... what took me 4 trips total to the Home Depot... ended up being a $5 solution.  No wonder Mario ended up with Princess Peach.  For someone to charge up the wazoo for such simple solutions... of course he gets the girl.  As for me... I found my Princess Peach.   Joyce was supportive every step of the way.  And she made that 4th and final trip to Home Depot when I was busy with everything else.  

As for the obsolete... no one uses ever fill valve that I have... well I'll be darned.  It's the exact same one that AM has.  *shrug*

Friday, October 23, 2020


 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 60

Last year... I blogged about the movie Spotlight where the Boston Globe uncovers the Catholic Church's systemic cover up of the child molestation.  Today... I listened to a podcast recounting that movie.  When they got to the part of "They're just kids..." I started to cry once again.

Days ago... Pope Francis goes on record of recognizing civil unions...  “What we have to create is a civil union law, That way they are legally covered.”  Not a surprise to some...nor is it a departure from the Pope's stance from when he was Cardinal Bergoglio.  But it has set the internet on fire... along with our own church... along with me.

This is a tough topic.  I shouldn't be...but it is.  I stand the middle of opposing sides.  The truth as spelled out in the bible... and my heart. "Don't hate the person, hate the sin." I've come to say that a lot... but I've also recognized that those who know the sin...and continue to act upon it... is voluntarily upholding that sin.  "Love thy neighbor", Jesus taught. And yet... here we are.

I applaud the Pope for saying what he said.  But should he have said it? He's the Holy See.... the representation of Christ on the throne.  Would Jesus have said what he said if he was here today??

God help us..... God help me. 

Thursday, October 22, 2020

A bit of normalcy

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 59

Went shopping at Target with Joyce... not cuz we needed to buy anything... just because I felt like going shopping with my beloved. Walked around the high-tech section to see what the latest fads are.  Boy are we obsolete! Then headed over to Starbucks and picked up a PSL.  

And now... I have a nice clean set of intestines.  Works every time. Haha.... back to a bit of normalcy. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Favorite Sports Moment

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 58

Saw on Twitter, someone pose a question... "What is your favorite sports moment?"

Quickly flipped that question over to big bro, Gonzo and Andersen.  Some great responses....
We started with jokes
  • Jake Taylor's bunt (heh)
  • Ruben Rivera (which we saw in real life!!!) 
  • Hogan body slamming Andre
We all agreed.... too young for "The Catch."

Then Gonzo got serious... with things he saw live. 
  • Cain's Perfect Game
  • Hearst's game winning TD vs the Jets
  • Scutaro in Game 7 of 2012 NLCS
  • Lofton in Game 5 of 2002 NLCS
  • Ishikawa's walkoff in Game 6 of 2014 NLCS
  • Young's run against the Vikings (
  • Dravecky's return
  • Pablo vs Verlander in Game 1 of 2012 WS
Then we really got serious and said 2010 would be the obvious answer.... but which part?
  • Uribe's sac fly in Game 4 off Oswalt (which we were at, and NN's first Giants game?)
  • Uribe's HR off Kendrick in Game 6
  • Wilson striking out Ryan Howard?
  • "It's Gaaaallll-OOOOOOOOOOOONE" 
  • Final strikeout of Nellie Cruz
As much as I'm a Giants fan.... I'm a bigger Niner fan.  It's just.... .they haven't won one since 94.
  • Montana to Taylor in '89
  • The Catch 2 - finally beat Brett Favre (only to lose to the Falcons)
How many wide eyed, open mouthed, arms raised, @$$ clenched moments are there????  For some cities and areas.... too few, so they can name one right away.  For Bay Areans? San Franciscans....far too many to choose from.  

And then... I ended the night with.... Keri Strug stuck her landing.


12 days till election.  OMG.................................... 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

No Mercy

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 57

Playing Monopoly tonight... I originally was hoping to get bankrupted so NN can have "a good night." I even got down to just 6 pieces of property.. and was down to less than $100.  NN landed on Free Parking a few times.... but she couldn't put me away.  And then... the tides turned.  

Not only did I win... I won convincingly.  I annihilated her.  Decimated her.  I showed mercy... once or twice.  Let her collect $200 when she shouldn't have.  And gave her a pass on one of my hotel landings.  But in the end... my competitive spirit overtook the game.  Heh....

Little does she know... there were a couple of turns she didn't play by the rules.  Had she held my feet to the fire... the results could've been very different.  But no one will know.... and I wasn't going to own up to it.  hahahahhahaa…. 

Monday, October 19, 2020

Taste buds

 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 56

The kids have an amazing sense of taste and smell. During dinner tonight... before even the first bite... SW already said something smelled different. Then NN said.... two bites in... said she tasted something. Bell peppers??

They were right on target. I dumped in the remaining half a bowl of salsa into the meat sauce. The lesson here... why waste good food when it can be used for something else???

Funny.... SW will eat chips and salsa. But after knowing what I did... he barely scraped his dinner. Heh....

Friday, October 16, 2020


 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 53

韓風吹咗十幾年、終於吹到嚟梁家。竟然因為追一套Crash Landing on You 令到我成晚都crave韓式炸雞同啤酒! 今日一單起身就搵Vons幾點開門。

酒是凍的.雞是脆的。但點解電視D好味咁多嘅? Heh...

Sidenote: AGGYHHS 🐝


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Crimson Tide

 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 51

My Nui-Nui Ju is all grown up.  

Just yesterday... she was a bundle of joy.  We wrapped her up and brought her to Game 4 of the 2010 NLCS.

Just yesterday... I got mad at her for taking too long in a bath and yelled at her at the top of my lungs... only to be responded to by a pair of eyes full of fear.

Just yesterday... she wouldn't sleep... and I crashed into the door screaming at her... to be met by the same pair of fearful eyes.

Just yesterday... we got mad at her for not saying "Hi" to an Auntie at church and we were about to ditch her.... only for her to scream at the top of her lungs in the courtyard.

Just yesterday... I warned her I would tape her mouth if she didn't stop yapping.  And when I did... she burst into tears that her father would do that to her.

Just yesterday... she fell asleep in my arms at Disneyland because she was too excited to sleep.. and was about to miss her Princess Lunch... when I said, "Nui-nui... 公主啊."  And she woke up right away.

Just yesterday... she held the American flag during her Kindergarten commencement as the valedictorian. 

Just yesterday... I let go of her bike... and she rode off on her own.

Just yesterday... I put her into the Emergency Room by stepping on her with my ice skate.

Just yesterday... she ran a 10 minute mile with me after I chose to let go....

Yesterday... I can never recapture yesterday. 

And today...which will become yesterday tomorrow... my Nui-nui Ju is an adult.  

Monday, October 12, 2020

Bond, James Bond

 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 49

Held our first Church Reopening Task Force meeting tonight.  It amazes me how disorganized we are.  Everything is in one person's head.  He knows everything.  He does everything.  But this isn't about what he knows... it's about what is Public Facing.  So I ended up staying up late and draft our Reopening Protocol and Guidelines.  

Hate to overstep into someone else's swimlane... but dude... seriously... c'mon!!!

Oh.... and I love Sam's English accent. Just keep talking... I'm listening. BOOM!!! 

Sunday, October 11, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 48

During today's Sunday Sermon... Rev. David Chan commented on the word "Selah." Where in biblical times, Selah was used in Psalms as a pause or a break during a song or hymn. And COVID happens to be the Selah of our Lives.  A pause.  A rest.  Looking back at September - with #ExpressYourself, Mom's travel adventures, Nui-nui's tweenge woes, the kids restarting school, MAF... it's been non-stop.... and I could've used a rest.

Well this past week... I've been more tired than I've ever been.  Dragging every day.  And dozing off in lazy afternoon... while I'm supposedly pausing and resting.  Some people need to rest... some people don't. 

I got a boost of energy cuz I'll get to take part in the church reopening Task Force and I get to give a session on the upcoming election.  Finally!! Some things to keep busy again!! I can finally "rest."  

Friday, October 09, 2020

Slippers Galore

 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 45

I now have a total of 4 pairs of slippers.  Been swapping between 3 different pairs cuz it turns out I have sweaty feet.  And if I wear one pair for too long... it starts getting damp or wet in a few hours. With my recent escapade of Tiger Balm.. I've had to introduce a special pair to wear any time I apply this topical ointment.  Heh... 

Monday, October 05, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 42

SW comes up to me with some 5th grade math problem.... Farmer Joe bought 5 chickens and 3 ducks for $81.  A chicken costs $5 than a duck.  What was the cost of each duck? each chicken?  There are several of them like this.   This is the easier one!!!

I come up with this elaborate algebraic equation.  Two equation.  Two unknowns. Yaddie yaddie yaddah.  Bam.... 5 minutes later... the poor kid has no idea what I'm doing.  

Mommy sits down... looks at my math... shakes her head.... and proceeds to demonstrate how SW has been learning it.  She asks two simple questions.  SW draws 2 simple diagrams.  Does some basic multiplication and division. BAM... he got the answer.

I was schooled by my son.  Not so much my son... but Singapore math schools American math.  

Sunday, October 04, 2020

Back on the DL

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 41

NN is taking a dance class this semester... and she was showing me the Charleston (no, not the Carlton, the Charleston). And boy was she butchering it. So I started to show her how it SHOULD be done.  Ohhhhh to dance again.  I was Michael Jackson... mixed with Fred Astaire... coupled with Aaron Kwok.  I was stylin'....and profilin'......

Now I'm paying for it.  Didn't realize the extent of injury on my poor toe and not only have I reinjured it... I've made it worse.  Tiger Balm - twice a day now.  Ohhhhhhhhhh...... I really am starting to smell like the old man that I am. 

Saturday, October 03, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 40

This year's 中秋團圓夜又告一段落.  

In place of the annual CNY... we were able to pull off an MAF.  So many things went right... went well.  Dad joined.  Big bro joined (for a bit). Mom, while quarantining in Hong Kong, tried to join. And one of the quotes from the evening coming from a new friend... 

It was “amazing non stop 2 hours fun”

We couldn't have pulled this off without the relentless pursuit of excellence from the planning committee.  A special shoutout to C奶二人組, 兩位金牌司議 who went back to church to host the event, the four Team Captains, our 幕後工作人員.  

But out of everything that happened leading up to the event and the event itself....the one scene that stands out among everything else.... was seeing Miranda sitting next to Anna.  

Anna sadly lost her husband earlier this year.  Who knows what she's been going through and what her thoughts are.  When the whole world has moved on and forgotten about the days of recent past... 大家姐 had the wherewithal to spend the evening with her friend... her sister. 

I am a 完美主意者.  So many things went wrong tonight.  So many things we could've done better.  But to cap off the evening... above all else... was how 穌太 ended the evening... giving all glory and honor to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Thank you Abba Father, for everything!!! 


Friday, October 02, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 39


Mom safely arrived in HK and this was one of her first text.... literally brought tears to my eyes. There's just so much baggage in our family.  So many buried memories.  So many years of hurt... damage... scars. 

大舅父 was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer.  And we decided it was time for mom to go back to Hong Kong. You can never time these things.  And thus....the whirlwind began.  Plane tickets.  Hotel. Quarantine  72 hour COVID tests!!!!  

Big bro did all the heavy lifting.  I only made a couple of phone calls and did some internet research.  After all was said and done... mom finally arrived in Hong Kong..... only to be trapped at the airport for 10 hours.... and she's now quarantining for 14 days. 

Big bro coined it best, "This HK trip is last year's bed bug episode."  And in the end... it's all worth it. 

Thursday, October 01, 2020

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 38

Got a text from Cherie today and I melted.    "哥哥"     😭  我太鍾意喇!!!!!!