Friday, October 02, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 39


Mom safely arrived in HK and this was one of her first text.... literally brought tears to my eyes. There's just so much baggage in our family.  So many buried memories.  So many years of hurt... damage... scars. 

大舅父 was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer.  And we decided it was time for mom to go back to Hong Kong. You can never time these things.  And thus....the whirlwind began.  Plane tickets.  Hotel. Quarantine  72 hour COVID tests!!!!  

Big bro did all the heavy lifting.  I only made a couple of phone calls and did some internet research.  After all was said and done... mom finally arrived in Hong Kong..... only to be trapped at the airport for 10 hours.... and she's now quarantining for 14 days. 

Big bro coined it best, "This HK trip is last year's bed bug episode."  And in the end... it's all worth it. 

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