Saturday, October 03, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 40

This year's 中秋團圓夜又告一段落.  

In place of the annual CNY... we were able to pull off an MAF.  So many things went right... went well.  Dad joined.  Big bro joined (for a bit). Mom, while quarantining in Hong Kong, tried to join. And one of the quotes from the evening coming from a new friend... 

It was “amazing non stop 2 hours fun”

We couldn't have pulled this off without the relentless pursuit of excellence from the planning committee.  A special shoutout to C奶二人組, 兩位金牌司議 who went back to church to host the event, the four Team Captains, our 幕後工作人員.  

But out of everything that happened leading up to the event and the event itself....the one scene that stands out among everything else.... was seeing Miranda sitting next to Anna.  

Anna sadly lost her husband earlier this year.  Who knows what she's been going through and what her thoughts are.  When the whole world has moved on and forgotten about the days of recent past... 大家姐 had the wherewithal to spend the evening with her friend... her sister. 

I am a 完美主意者.  So many things went wrong tonight.  So many things we could've done better.  But to cap off the evening... above all else... was how 穌太 ended the evening... giving all glory and honor to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Thank you Abba Father, for everything!!! 


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