Tuesday, October 20, 2020

No Mercy

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 57

Playing Monopoly tonight... I originally was hoping to get bankrupted so NN can have "a good night." I even got down to just 6 pieces of property.. and was down to less than $100.  NN landed on Free Parking a few times.... but she couldn't put me away.  And then... the tides turned.  

Not only did I win... I won convincingly.  I annihilated her.  Decimated her.  I showed mercy... once or twice.  Let her collect $200 when she shouldn't have.  And gave her a pass on one of my hotel landings.  But in the end... my competitive spirit overtook the game.  Heh....

Little does she know... there were a couple of turns she didn't play by the rules.  Had she held my feet to the fire... the results could've been very different.  But no one will know.... and I wasn't going to own up to it.  hahahahhahaa…. 

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