Sunday, October 04, 2020

Back on the DL

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 41

NN is taking a dance class this semester... and she was showing me the Charleston (no, not the Carlton, the Charleston). And boy was she butchering it. So I started to show her how it SHOULD be done.  Ohhhhh to dance again.  I was Michael Jackson... mixed with Fred Astaire... coupled with Aaron Kwok.  I was stylin'....and profilin'......

Now I'm paying for it.  Didn't realize the extent of injury on my poor toe and not only have I reinjured it... I've made it worse.  Tiger Balm - twice a day now.  Ohhhhhhhhhh...... I really am starting to smell like the old man that I am. 

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