Friday, October 23, 2020


 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 60

Last year... I blogged about the movie Spotlight where the Boston Globe uncovers the Catholic Church's systemic cover up of the child molestation.  Today... I listened to a podcast recounting that movie.  When they got to the part of "They're just kids..." I started to cry once again.

Days ago... Pope Francis goes on record of recognizing civil unions...  “What we have to create is a civil union law, That way they are legally covered.”  Not a surprise to some...nor is it a departure from the Pope's stance from when he was Cardinal Bergoglio.  But it has set the internet on fire... along with our own church... along with me.

This is a tough topic.  I shouldn't be...but it is.  I stand the middle of opposing sides.  The truth as spelled out in the bible... and my heart. "Don't hate the person, hate the sin." I've come to say that a lot... but I've also recognized that those who know the sin...and continue to act upon it... is voluntarily upholding that sin.  "Love thy neighbor", Jesus taught. And yet... here we are.

I applaud the Pope for saying what he said.  But should he have said it? He's the Holy See.... the representation of Christ on the throne.  Would Jesus have said what he said if he was here today??

God help us..... God help me. 

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