Sunday, October 11, 2020


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 48

During today's Sunday Sermon... Rev. David Chan commented on the word "Selah." Where in biblical times, Selah was used in Psalms as a pause or a break during a song or hymn. And COVID happens to be the Selah of our Lives.  A pause.  A rest.  Looking back at September - with #ExpressYourself, Mom's travel adventures, Nui-nui's tweenge woes, the kids restarting school, MAF... it's been non-stop.... and I could've used a rest.

Well this past week... I've been more tired than I've ever been.  Dragging every day.  And dozing off in lazy afternoon... while I'm supposedly pausing and resting.  Some people need to rest... some people don't. 

I got a boost of energy cuz I'll get to take part in the church reopening Task Force and I get to give a session on the upcoming election.  Finally!! Some things to keep busy again!! I can finally "rest."  

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