Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Crimson Tide

 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 51

My Nui-Nui Ju is all grown up.  

Just yesterday... she was a bundle of joy.  We wrapped her up and brought her to Game 4 of the 2010 NLCS.

Just yesterday... I got mad at her for taking too long in a bath and yelled at her at the top of my lungs... only to be responded to by a pair of eyes full of fear.

Just yesterday... she wouldn't sleep... and I crashed into the door screaming at her... to be met by the same pair of fearful eyes.

Just yesterday... we got mad at her for not saying "Hi" to an Auntie at church and we were about to ditch her.... only for her to scream at the top of her lungs in the courtyard.

Just yesterday... I warned her I would tape her mouth if she didn't stop yapping.  And when I did... she burst into tears that her father would do that to her.

Just yesterday... she fell asleep in my arms at Disneyland because she was too excited to sleep.. and was about to miss her Princess Lunch... when I said, "Nui-nui... 公主啊."  And she woke up right away.

Just yesterday... she held the American flag during her Kindergarten commencement as the valedictorian. 

Just yesterday... I let go of her bike... and she rode off on her own.

Just yesterday... I put her into the Emergency Room by stepping on her with my ice skate.

Just yesterday... she ran a 10 minute mile with me after I chose to let go....

Yesterday... I can never recapture yesterday. 

And today...which will become yesterday tomorrow... my Nui-nui Ju is an adult.  

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