Monday, October 26, 2020

"I just landed"

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157  School Reopens - Day 63

After 2.5 months of rollercoastering... mom finally returns from HK.  She spent 28 glorious days there... 14 of which was quarantined in a hotel that offered stale and rotten food.  Then she spent 2 weeks with family...getting the much needed respect she deserves from her nieces and nephews... and her visiting grandma's grave.  

Due to some mis-reading... we realized last minute that mom was returning a day early.  So I switched into high gear and started cooking up a storm, in the midst of the plumbing issues, while I was prepping for a bible study on "Voting as Worship", while playing Beyblades, Life and Scattegories with the kids... while cooking a full dinner for them.  

Drove out to SFO to pick her up around 10PM... only for big bro to say... she might not remember to switch her HK sim card back to US sim card.  Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat.  My heart dropped.  How was I to get a hold of her??? Will mom know how to borrow someone's phone to call? Will anyone lend her a phone during COVID? If I park in SFO... pay the $8... will I still be able to find her in this giant aiport??

As I was about to embark on that climatic adventure... we received a text on WeChat, "I just landed."  Phew.... either she is texting with a HK Sim card (and paying for who knows how much roaming), or she figured out how to hook up to airport WiFi, or... she knew to swap the sim cards back.  Sometimes she amazes me.  One moment she's an old and senile 70+ year old asian lady that can't speak a word of English.  The next moment... she's the woman who took two rambunctious kids to Great America and Marine World on SamTran... all the while not speaking a word of English.

I picked her up at a ghost-town of an airport... brought her home... delivered her her food... since she supposedly should be self-quarantining.   Got back around 12:30AM.  By the time I scrubbed myself clean... finally hit the hay around 1AM.  I was pooped.... pooped I was.  Had to nap twice during the day... short little power naps. 

And the Niners are 3-3 with Seattle next week.  Shanahan continues to pull one rabbit after another out of his hat.  

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