Wednesday, May 25, 2022

It’s a matter of when…

Past two days... been feeling icky.  I attributed it to high pollen.  And yet... as I was driving to work this morning, it took every fiber of my being to not hurl in the car.  Something was not right.  But I just tested negative last night.  

Instead of heading to work... I veered a right and came home for a quick 15 minute test.  

1 minute. 

2 minute. 

I kept staring at the white window of hope.  The "Control" line was dark and steady.  Then... I swear, my eyes are playing tricks on me.  That's not a line. No way!! I tested negative yesterday.  This is food poisoning!!  That line is the standard groove that's there... you'll see it under special lighting.  3 minutes.  3.5 minutes.... it was like the morning sky revealing itself from behind the some cotton tail clouds. 

Disbelief.  This happens to other people.  The careless. The anti-maskers. Not me! 

My moments of denial were strengthened by the whims of a false negative. So I grabbed another rapid-test.  And this time... the dual lines of death revealed themselves quicker than I can say, "KELLY CLARKSON!!" 

This is it... I got it.  Won the lotto.  Now I get to quarantine and plan for my cruise with all the other super-humans.

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