Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Shaws-HANK 2022 Day 7

 Andy: I understand you're a man that knows how to get things.

Red: I'm known to locate certain things, from time to time.

Depending on when you start to count "1", today is Day 7.  Or is it Day 8?  Does it even matter?  

Was scheduled to take a COVID test at the Wellness Center so I can get back to work.  But when I told the lady I failed an at home test... she said don't even bother coming in.  Now... I'm cleared to go back after the 10 day period.  Again.  When do you start with "1?" 

Moving the spotlight away from me during a depressing day... we focus on New York where Nita and Brandon are suffering, but in a different way.  They're battling a vicious cough where they've gotten zero rest.  Worst yet... they don't have any meds at home.  They don't have friends or neighbors nearby.  And they're reluctant to walk to their nearest drug store.  After being on the receiving end of so many care packages... it was time to pay it forward.  

It was a simple gesture, really.  As long as you're willing to pay a little.  Got on Target.com and had them deliver some meds, Pringles and Swedish Fish to their townhouse.  The price, indeed, was a little steep.  Probably 2x what you would pay in person.  But if there was ever an instance where you can feel joy seep through Whatsapp.... it was today.  

I don't have everything up my sleeve.  But I can locate certain things from time to time.

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