Saturday, May 28, 2022

Shaws-HANK 2022 - Day 4

“I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really: Get busy living, or get busy dying.”
Day 4 of Quarantine. Fever finally broke.. I think.  I scan myself every 15 minutes to see if it'll bounce back.  Holding steady at 97.  Yes - I run cold.  Maybe I'm a reptile - cold blooded. 

The day started out with a pleasant surprise.  One of my dearest friend IM'ed me to see how I was doing.  Now I get a glimpse of what a prisoner feels like to have a visitor... even if even through a glass wall.  To have some human contact. 

Then we find out... not only does B has it... but Nita finally succumbs to it too.  Now they're both quarantined.  But at least they can be in common areas together. 

Fourth day in a row... salty food still tastes bitter.  But citrus tastes fine.  The verdict on Orange Chicken is still out. 

Had the Giants game on the radio in the afternoon to keep me company. But after the game... it was back to my lonesome self.  Trapped.  In solitary confinement. In an asylum.  Desperate for some outside connection. Every 4-5 minutes, I would check Whatsapp to see if there is a new message. And just like 4-5 minutes ago... there will be none. Of course not. People have lives. They're busy working. They're busy living. While I'm busy dying.

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