Monday, May 09, 2022


In a cultural, professional forum... a Senior VP from a Fortune 500 company commented on how he was once mentored to stop wearing white socks as all engineers do.  Dabble in designer socks or colored socks or off the cuff (hem?) socks.  Be different.  Break away from the norm.  That was a great awakening moment.

Prior to that..  I've always been an advocate of the wearing the same gold toe black socks from Costco.  If one has a hole in it... you put widowed sock in the sock drawer, cuz eventually, there will be another widower and you can marry the two together.  I've also blogged here and here on the woes of folding laundry.  If you have the same socks... you can mix.. but it'll always be a match!!

Fast forward to 2022.... we did two full loads of laundry... and as I'm folding the piles and piles of uncoordinated, systemically broken clothes... I end up with a mountain of socks.  Not just any mountain... but virtually every sock is different, where you're fishing and matching.  To a point where I was sweating and breathing heavily when I got done.  

Why make life so complicated??  Why can't it just simple, humdrum, Costco Gold-toed??? Why???

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