Friday, May 27, 2022

Shaws-HANK 2022 - Day 3

“In prison, a man’ll do most anything to keep his mind occupied.”

Popped a couple of Nyquils and Zzzzz I went... for like an hour. Then I was covered in sweat. That's what happens when you're running a temp. Your body regulates and sweats thereby cooling the body down. Which in effect, is sheer torture because I'm dizzy from the meds... burning from within... yet freezing from the outs. I've lost track of how many undershirts I've gone through. 

The day actually started out pleasant.  Spent the first 1.5 hours recapping Obi Wan with a couple of buds.  Then found out B randomly came down with COVID (misery loves company, sorry).  And then.... OMG.... and then.... it was the closing arguments in the Amber Heard / Johnny Depp trial.  All morning... I was live streaming the trial on Youtube (while drifting in and out sleep).  I really couldn't keep my eyes open due to sleep deprivation. 

When the trial was officially over and jurors were sent to deliberate... I see a long list of complaints that my team isn't supportive.  Ugh.... the last person I want to piss off and there she is, irate.  So I login and hunt down my team.  Heh.  I wonder how long it'll take for them to know the source of their tattle. Then I realized I missed an important meeting this morning.  I quickly sent a note to apologize... (no apologies needed, really). 

The lowlight of the day... was probably getting pictures of SW's 5th grade promotion Luau.  In 2020, NN's luau was cancelled cuz of COVID.  In 2022... I missed SW's luau... cuz of COVID.  As if she knew the anguish I was going through in missing this event... NN knocks on my door and delivers me lunch.  Once again, I take the lonely walk from my dresser to my desk... when my phone rings.  It's a video call from NN.  She wants to have lunch via FaceTime. 

In the middle of the day... Joyce took the kids out to run some errands... so I snuck out of the room and walked around the house.  Goodness gracious, the house is a mess.  Books and clothes everywhere.  Homework and projects all over the place. Dishes overspilling the sink.  Garbage can is at its brim.  Then I peek inside SW's room and see that there's a camping mat on the floor.  Turns out all three of them have been sleeping in the same room together.  (Awwwww).  I guess in times of trouble and questions... you really do need some sort of reassurance and guarantee that you're not alone.  

Rest of the day was a haze.  I got so bored I started looking for random podcasts to listen to... a man'll do just about anything to keep his mind occupied.  I remember drifting in and out of consciousness.  At one point, I could've sworn I was on vacation on the Galapagos Island.  

Because I did absolutely nothing today... and because I "slept" throughout the day... I started to go to sleep at 8:30PM.  It's 12:30AM... and I'm still wide awake. 

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