Tuesday, May 03, 2022

Mid-Life Crisis-ing

The past few weeks have been rough... emotional and spiritual challenges.  The past few days... I realize that it's full blown mid-life crisis. 

Several things have recently occurred... 

First and foremost... my dear Sweet 小華 turned 11.  He's well past the halfway point of flying the nest.  NN is one year away from high school.  It's all happening too fast. 

Had a Zoom mentoring session with a SJSU freshman.  When I blatantly and honestly described my typical day... my answer was, "5 hours of recurring/standing meetings... 2-3 hours of emergency meetings... 2-3 hours of working." His response was... and I summarize... "Man... that's such a boring job!" 

More promotions. More job changes. More of my former peers excelling. More of my former direct reports being my equals.  What am I doing with my professional career??

I'm so behind the times.  There's so many things happening at work.. so many new technologies... so many new applications that are sunrising and sunsetting... and I'm completely oblivious to them.  I use to be that guy that was on top of all these fads.  Now... I try to hire ppl who can advise me on these fads. 

Then there's the lethargy and inertia.  I use to have so much energy... I can't sit still.  I'm always doing something.  Learning something. I can be using my "downtime" to work on ministry... or investing... or starting a second career.  But instead... I find myself watching Youtube videos.

Lastly... I'm doing an inventory check and trying to picture what the next 20 years will be like.  That... more than anything... is the sole reason for mid-life crisis-ing (MLC-ing). 

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