Friday, May 18, 2018

怎去猜想這夢會變真? - The Dream

Ever since 學友 came out with 雪狼湖 in the late 90's.... I've always imagined myself being on stage and singing one verse and one verse only: 怎去猜想這夢會變真?  I sing it over and over again... to a point where my kids know that one line far too well...  And on April 8th... PAL made my dream come true.

A few days prior, PAL uncharacteristically requests for a play. That afternoon, while stuck in traffic, with the one line "怎去猜想這夢會變真?"  anchoring the story, the rest of the story grew around the core.  That night, I whipped a synopsis together, half-jokingly actually and said this needs to be a musical.  I never intended on following through with this.  But that Sunday, April 8th, at our first meeting, they made me director of a two part musical - 兩個浪子的故事.  Whether they actually liked my idea...or they didn't want to make me feel bad... 

I didn't have a script, didn't have songs, didn't have the right music and lyrics, didn't have an ensemble.  All I had was that one line of one song.... and my dream.

And now the journey begins...


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